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Barcode Reader

With the increasing use of barcode reading in document management systems, the Barcode Reader add-on for Dynamic Web TWAIN presents an easy and seamless way of integrating one of the industry’s best barcode reading components into your document management system. In this section, we will show you how to get started with the add-on and demonstrate how it can be used as a batch document classifier or separator.


Barcode reading can be performed on the client side as well as the server side. For Dynamic Web TWAIN , we only consider client-side reading. If you are interested in reading on the server side, you can contact Dynamsoft Support.


  • Windows

How to use

Step one - Include the add-on

To include this add-on is to reference the necessary JavaScript file which is included in the resources files.

If you are using the dwt package, the barcode reader is already included in the main JavaScript file ( dynamsoft.webtwain.min.js or dynamsoft.webtwain.min.mjs ) which means you can skip this step.

<script src="Resources/addon/dynamsoft.webtwain.addon.barcodereader.js"> </script>

Step two - Start the reading

Now that the add-on has been referenced, we can call decode() to start reading barcode(s).

function readBarcodes(imageIndex) {
    if (DWTObject) {
            .then(function(textResults) {
            }, function(error) {
    } else {
        console.log('DWTObject is not initialized yet');

Note that the barcode reading does take a bit of time, so it’ll help to add an indicator as mentioned in Loading Bar and Backdrop

function readBarcodes(imageIndex) {
    if (DWTObject) {
        // Add an indicator
            .then(function(textResults) {
                // Remove the indicator
            }, function(error) {
                // Remove the indicator
    } else {
        console.log('DWTObject is not initialized yet');

Step three - Check the result

Check the structure of the resulting object here. The following code prints out the text contained in the barcode(s)

    .then(function(textResults) {
        // Remove the indicator
        for (var i = 0; i < textResults.length; i++) {
    }, function(error) {
        // Remove the indicator

Runtime Settings

Most of the time, you simply need to use the default decode method to read most of the barcode images out there. However, you may encounter some barcodes that fail to be read and sometimes you might want to limit which barcode types the reader should pick up, and more.

The runtime settings of the add-on gives you access to a wide array of customizable parameters, all of which you can check out with the method getRuntimeSettings() and change with the method updateRuntimeSettings() . Now to demonstrate a few typical customization scenarios:

Specify the Barcode Type(s) to Read

By default, the add-on will read all the supported barcode types from the image. (See the Supported Symbologies here)

If your license only covers a subset of the full list or you want to read specific barcode types, you can use barcodeFormatIds and barcodeFormatIds2 to specify the barcode format(s). For example, to enable only 1D barcode reading, you can use the following code snippet:

    .then(function(runtimeSettings) {
        runtimeSettings.barcodeFormatIds = Dynamsoft.DBR.EnumBarcodeFormat.BF_ONED;
        return DWTObject.Addon.BarcodeReader.updateRuntimeSettings(runtimeSettings);
    }, function(error) {
    .then(function(runtimeSettings) {
        // Add an indicator
        return DWTObject.Addon.BarcodeReader.decode(imageIndex);
    }, function(error) {
    .then(function(textResults) {
        // Remove the indicator
        for (var i = 0; i < textResults.length; i++) {
    }, function(error) {
        // Remove the indicator

Specify maximum barcode count

By default, the add-on will read as many barcodes as it can. To increase the recognition efficiency, you can use expectedBarcodesCount to specify the maximum number of barcodes to recognize according to your scenario.

// No matter how many barcodes are on the image, stop reading as soon as one barcode is found
runtimeSettings.expectedBarcodesCount = 1;

Specify a scan Region

By default, the add-on will search the whole image for barcodes. This can lead to poor performance especially when dealing with high-resolution images. You can speed up the recognition process by restricting the scanning region. To specify a region, you will need to define an area. The following code shows how to define the region.

// The following reads the center of the image (50% vertically and horizontally)
runtimeSettings.region.regionTop = 25;
runtimeSettings.region.regionBottom = 75;
runtimeSettings.region.regionLeft = 25;
runtimeSettings.region.regionRight = 75;
runtimeSettings.region.regionMeasuredByPercentage = 1;

Set the runtime settings using JSON

So far, we edited the values of specific runtime settings via accessing each individual setting and adjusting its value. However, the add-on also provides the developer the ability to set everything at once using a JSON string. The method is called initRuntimeSettingsWithString() .

Some advanced features, such as dedicated configuration of a binarization mode, are only possible when using the method initRuntimeSettingsWithString() .

Here is a JSON template for your reference:

var settings = {
    "ImageParameter": {
        "BarcodeFormatIds": ["BF_ALL"],
        "BinarizationModes": [{
            "BlockSizeX": 0,
            "BlockSizeY": 0,
            "EnableFillBinaryVacancy": 1,
            "ImagePreprocessingModesIndex": -1,
            "Mode": "BM_LOCAL_BLOCK",
            "ThreshValueCoefficient": 10
        "DeblurLevel": 9,
        "Description": "",
        "ExpectedBarcodesCount": 0,
        "GrayscaleTransformationModes": [{
            "Mode": "GTM_ORIGINAL"
        "ImagePreprocessingModes": [{
            "Mode": "IPM_GENERAL"
        "IntermediateResultSavingMode": {
            "Mode": "IRSM_MEMORY"
        "IntermediateResultTypes": ["IRT_NO_RESULT"],
        "MaxAlgorithmThreadCount": 4,
        "Name": "runtimesettings",
        "PDFRasterDPI": 300,
        "Pages": "",
        "RegionDefinitionNameArray": null,
        "RegionPredetectionModes": [{
            "Mode": "RPM_GENERAL"
        "ResultCoordinateType": "RCT_PIXEL",
        "ScaleDownThreshold": 2300,
        "TerminatePhase": "TP_BARCODE_RECOGNIZED",
        "TextFilterModes": [{
            "MinImageDimension": 65536,
            "Mode": "TFM_GENERAL_CONTOUR",
            "Sensitivity": 0
        "TextResultOrderModes": [{
                "Mode": "TROM_CONFIDENCE"
                "Mode": "TROM_POSITION"
                "Mode": "TROM_FORMAT"
        "TextureDetectionModes": [{
            "Sensitivity": 5
        "Timeout": 10000
    "Version": "3.0"

For a JSON object like settings above, you should make it a string first as shown in the code below

var JSONString = JSON.stringify(settings);
    return DWTObject.Addon.BarcodeReader.decode(imageIndex);
},function(error) {
.then(function(textResults) {
    if (textResults.length == 0) {
        console.log("No barcode found");
    } else {
        for (var i = 0; i < textResults.length; i++) {
}, function(error) {

Built-in modes

If you are not sure how to change the RuntimeSettings , the add-on also comes with three built-in modes for you to choose from

  • speed : fast but may miss some barcodes
  • coverage : slow but covers most barcodes
  • balance : between speed and coverage

To use one of these modes, simply call updateRuntimeSettings()

DWTObject.Addon.BarcodeReader.updateRuntimeSettings('coverage').then( /*---*/ );

Try or download an official demo.

Reset settings

You can always go back to the default settings with the method resetRuntimeSettings() .

Use barcode to classify and separate documents

Using pages with barcodes as document separators and classifying images with the barcode on it are two popular usage scenarios.

As document separators

The following code reads all images and use those with barcodes to separate images into different documents.

// `aryIndices` consists of multiple arrays each of which represents a document
var aryIndices = [],
    bBarcodeFound = false,
    ProcssedImagesCount = 0;

function ReadBarcode(index) {
        .then(function(results) {
                if (results.length === 0) {
                    console.log('no barcode found on image index ' + index);
                    if (bBarcodeFound === true) {
                        // If a barcode was found earlier, this image belongs to the current document
                        bBarcodeFound = false;
                        if (aryIndices.length === 0)
                            aryIndices[aryIndices.length - 1].push(index);
                    } else {
                        // If no barcode has been found yet, this image belongs to the first document
                        if (aryIndices.length === 0)
                            aryIndices[aryIndices.length - 1].push(index);
                } else {
                    console.log('barcode found on image index ' + index);
                    if (ProcssedImagesCount === DWTObject.HowManyImagesInBuffer) {
                        //If it is the last image, no need to set this flag to true nor create a new document
                        bBarcodeFound = false;
                    } else {
                        bBarcodeFound = true;
                        // Found a barcode, create a new one
                        if (aryIndices.length === 0)
                        else if (aryIndices[aryIndices.length - 1].length != 0)
                if (ProcssedImagesCount === DWTObject.HowManyImagesInBuffer) {
                    // Print out the indice arrays, each array represents a document
                    aryIndices = [];
                } else
                     * Read the next image
                    ReadBarcode(index + 1);
            function(errorMsg) {

As document classifier

The following code reads all barcodes from all images and puts images which have the same barcode into one document. Images without any barcodes are put into another separate document.

// `aryIndices` consists of multiple arrays each of which represents a document
var aryIndices = {
        'noBarcode': []
    ProcssedImagesCount = 0;

function ReadBarcode(index) {
    var j,
        bBarcodeFound = false;
    DWTObject.Addon.BarcodeReader.decode(index).then(function(results) {
            if (results.length === 0) {
                console.log('no barcode found on image index ' + index);
            } else {
                console.log('barcode found on image index ' + index);
                var barcodeOnThisImage = [],
                    allKeys = [];
                for (j = 0; j < results.length; j++) {
                    var result = results[j];
                    var barcodeText = result.barcodeText;
                    // Record all barcodes found on this image
                    if (barcodeOnThisImage.indexOf(barcodeText) === -1)

                Dynamsoft.Lib.each(aryIndices, function(value, key) {

                for (j = 0; j < allKeys.length; j++) {
                    var oKey = allKeys[j];
                    if (barcodeOnThisImage.indexOf(oKey) != -1) {
                        barcodeOnThisImage.splice(barcodeOnThisImage.indexOf(oKey), 1);
                        var _value = aryIndices[oKey];
                        if (_value.indexOf(index) === -1) {
                            aryIndices[oKey] = _value;
                for (j = 0; j < barcodeOnThisImage.length; j++) {
                    aryIndices[barcodeOnThisImage[j]] = [index];
            if (ProcssedImagesCount === DWTObject.HowManyImagesInBuffer) {
                ProcssedImagesCount = 0;
                var aryTemp = [];
                Dynamsoft.Lib.each(aryIndices, function(value, key) {
                aryIndices = aryTemp;
                aryIndices = {
                    'noBarcode': []
            } else
                 * Read the next image
                ReadBarcode(index + 1);

        function(errorMsg) {

Try or download the official demo.

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