
Document Capture from all Mainstream Web Browsers on Windows, macOS, Linux and Mobile

Supported Client-Side OS Technology Supported Client-Side Browsers Supported Client-Side Browsers Supported Frameworks Supported Server-Side OS

Windows 7 or later;
32-bit and 64-bit

  • eSCL


  • WIA

HTML5 & ActiveX;

Firefox v68+

Chrome v68+

IE 9+

Microsoft Edge

Firefox v68+

Chrome v68+

IE 9+

Microsoft Edge

Works with all common JavaScript frameworks, like Vue.js, Angular, React, as well as Vanilla (plain) JavaScript

All, including

x86-64, ARM64
macOS 10.6.8 or later

  • eSCL


  • ICA


Firefox v68+

Chrome v68+

Safari v7+

Firefox v68+

Chrome v68+

Safari v7+

Linux x64, ARM64, MIPS Ubuntu 12.0.4+, Debian 8+, Fedora 24+, 64-bit

  • eSCL

  • SANE


Firefox v68+

Chrome v68+

Firefox v68+

Chrome v68+

Android 8+

  • eSCL


Firefox v68+

Chrome v68+

Firefox v68+

Chrome v68+

Need to Scan Documents Using Mobile Cameras?

If your requirements include capturing documents via mobile cameras directly from a web browser, Mobile Web Capture is the ideal solution for you. Designed to seamlessly complement Dynamic Web TWAIN this product extends document scanning capabilities to mobile devices, ensuring a comprehensive and flexible scanning experience across all platforms.

Technical Features

Image Capture from Document Scanners
Document Scanning and Image Capture
Supports up to TWAIN specification 2.3; WIA 2.0 Windows Client Only
Supports up to TWAIN specification 1.9; ICA compatible macOS Client Only
SANE compatible Linux Client Only
eSCL compatible
Optional disk caching mechanism for high volume scanning (thousands of pages)
Built-In Auto Document Feeder (ADF) and multiple image acquisition
Offers duplex scanning mode
Supports blank page detection
Built-in wizard mode intelligently manages TWAIN states
Supports setting up image acquisition parameters (resolution, pixel type, bit depth, brightness, contrast, page size, unit, etc.)
Provides native and disk file image transfer modes
Buffered memory transfer mode Windows Client Only
Image Capture from Document Scanners
Document Editing
Provides GUI and non-GUI image editors
Built-in basic image editing interfaces such as Rotate, Crop, Mirror, Flip, Erase, and ChangeImageSize
Supports adding colored rectangles to images
Supports text annotation
Offers image swapping feature
Supports clearing specified areas of an image and filling cleared areas with color
Built-in zooming
Provides multiple image selection
Provides image de-skewing
Image Capture from Document Scanners
Saving, Uploading and Downloading
Downloads / uploads images via HTTP/HTTPS
Downloads / uploads images via FTP (currently no FTPS support)
Save and upload images as BMP, JPEG, PNG, TIFF and PDF files
Supports saving images as multi-page TIFF and multi-page PDF
Offers saving images as a base64 string
Provides support for cookie and session integration
Supports binding cookie during the upload process
Provides RLE, G3, G4, JBIG2, LZW, PackBits, JPEG, JPEG2000, and TIFF compression options
Upload progress dialogue box allows you to cancel uploads at any time
Supports downloading from HTTP stream
Built-in JPEG, PNG, PDF and TIFF encoder enables compression of acquired images
Uploads metadata for each image to the server or database (SQL Server, MySQL, MS Access etc.) as part of the image upload process
Supports chunked uploading when the data size is large
Behind the scenes multi-thread uploading
Image Capture from Document Scanners
Opening Local Files
With Dynamsoft’s PDF Rasterizer SDK (add-on module), supports loading text-based, image-based and hybrid PDF files
Supports loading local JPEG, PNG, BMP, single-page and multi-page TIFF files
Load DIB from the clipboard
Load images from Base64, and binary
Image Capture from Document Scanners
Opening Local Files
Should the SDK exit unexpectedly, all cached data is destroyed
There is optional domain binding in the licensing process
Configurable to respond to requests from specified origins only
Authorization required for accessing local files
Authorization required for accessing scanners or webcams (via webcam add-on)
Customize supported certificate to use in place of the Dynamsoft default
Digitally signed by VeriSign Windows Only
ActiveX Edition marked safe for initializing and scripting Windows Only
Supports Windows Authentication, Forms Authentication and Basic Authentication ActiveX Only
Compatible with Data Execution Prevention (DEP) and Protected Mode ActiveX Only
Proxy connections supported
Supports SSL for HTTP uploading and downloading
Scanned image data or cached scanned data is encrypted
  • It can only be accessed by the Dynamsoft scanning service. For any other programs, even if they take the images, they won’t be able to access any data within the images
Limits access of a scanner device to only the registered web scanning application
  • Accomplished by matching the current website domain to the registered domain in the product key
Image Capture from Document Scanners
Citrix Environment
Electron Support


Greatly Reduced Development Time

It can take months for you to become familiar with the TWAIN specification and build a TWAIN plugin from scratch. With Dynamic Web TWAIN, you can implement TWAIN in days. With most applications, you can implement TWAIN support with no more than a few lines of code.

Browsers Change Often

Apple, Google, Microsoft, and other browser developers are constantly updating their browsers. You can rest assured that Dynamsoft will keep Dynamic Web TWAIN up to date so your application can continue to run smoothly.

Even Greater Time Savings

By tapping into Dynamsoft’s TWAIN knowledge base via our Virtual Developer Service, the total time needed to build your scanning solution with Dynamic Web TWAIN could be reduced from months to days.

Reduced Product Time to Market

The speed of your product delivery is very important. Dynamic Web TWAIN can significantly reduce development time.

case studies: see how Dynamic Web TWAIN improves productivity >

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