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The CapturedResultReceiver interface is designed as a standardized way for retrieving captured results in the Dynamsoft Capture Vision architecture. By implementing the CapturedResultReceiver, you will receive the callback of the various types of captured results, such as original image, decoded barcode, recognized text line, detected quad, normalized image, or parsed data. The CapturedResultReceiver can add a receiver for any type of captured result or for a specific type of captured result, based on the method that is implemented.


Namespace: Dynamsoft.CaptureVisionRouter.Maui

Assembly: Dynamsoft.CaptureVisionRouter.Maui

interface ICapturedResultReceiver


Method Description
OnCapturedResultReceived This callback method delivers a CapturedResult, which is an object containning all kinds of captured result items that are captured from the image.
OnDecodedBarcodesReceived This callback method delivers a DecodedBarcodesResult, which is an object containning all CRIT_BARCODE typed captured result items that are captured from the image.
OnParsedResultsReceived This callback method delivers a ParsedResult, which is an object containning all CRIT_PARSED_RESULT typed captured result items that are captured from the image.
OnRecognizedTextLinesReceived This callback method delivers a RecognizedTextLinesResult, which is an object containning all CRIT_TEXT_LINE typed captured result items that are captured from the image.
OnDetectedQuadsReceived This callback method delivers a DetectedQuadsResult, which is an object containning all CRIT_DETECTED_QUAD typed captured result items that are captured from the image.
OnNormalizedImagesReceived This callback method delivers a NormalizedImagesResult, which is an object containning all CRIT_NORMALIZED_IMAGE typed captured result items that are captured from the image.


This callback method delivers a CapturedResult, which is an object containning all kinds of captured result items that are captured from the image. The callback is triggered each time when an image finishes its processing.

void OnCapturedResultReceived(CapturedResult result);


[in] result: The captured result, an instance of CapturedResult.


This callback method delivers a DecodedBarcodesResult, which is an object containning all CRIT_BARCODE typed captured result items that are captured from the image. The callback is triggered each time when an image finishes its processing.

void OnDecodedBarcodesReceived(DecodedBarcodesResult result);


[in] result: The decoded barcode result, an instance of DecodedBarcodesResult.


This callback method delivers a ParsedResult, which is an object containning all CRIT_PARSED_RESULT typed captured result items that are captured from the image. The callback is triggered each time when an image finishes its processing.

void OnParsedResultsReceived(ParsedResult result);


[in] result: The parsed result, an instance of ParsedResult.


This callback method delivers a RecognizedTextLinesResult, which is an object containning all CRIT_TEXT_LINE typed captured result items that are captured from the image. The callback is triggered each time when an image finishes its processing.

void OnRecognizedTextLinesReceived(RecognizedTextLinesResult result);


[in] result: The recognized text line result, an instance of RecognizedTextLinesResult.


This callback method delivers a DetectedQuadsResult, which is an object containning all CRIT_DETECTED_QUAD typed captured result items that are captured from the image. The callback is triggered each time when an image finishes its processing.

void OnDetectedQuadsReceived(DetectedQuadsResult result);


[in] result: The detected quads result, an instance of DetectedQuadsResult.


This callback method delivers a NormalizedImagesResult, which is an object containning all CRIT_NORMALIZED_IMAGE typed captured result items that are captured from the image. The callback is triggered each time when an image finishes its processing.

void OnNormalizedImagesReceived(NormalizedImagesResult result);


[in] result: The normalized image result, an instance of NormalizedImagesResult.

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