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ParsedResult Class

ParsedResult class stores all parsed result items that are obtained from a single image. It carries additional information such as the original image data or error messages.


Namespace: Dynamsoft.CodeParser.Maui

Assembly: Dynamsoft.CodeParser.Maui

class ParsedResult
Property Type Description
OriginalImageHashId string The hash ID of the source image.
Items *List* The parsed result item at the specified index.
ErrorCode int The error code of the parsed result, if an error occurred.
ErrorString string The error message of the parsed result, if an error occurred.


The hash ID of the source image.

string OriginalImageHashId { get; }


The parsed result item at the specified index.

List<ParsedResultItem> Items { get; }

See Also



The error code of the parsed result, if an error occurred.

int ErrorCode { get; }


The error message of the parsed result, if an error occurred.

string ErrorMessage { get; }

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