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Inverted DPM Codes

Decode Unreadable Barcodes with Dynamsoft Barcode Reader's Custom Scan Parameters

Binarized image produced by Dynamsoft Barcode Reader:

JSON Template (help):

Issue: Direct Part Marks (DPM) are codes, symbols, and texts that are etched or printed directly onto the surface of a part, which has a different texture from marks printed on paper. They are often inverted on a dark surface.

Solution: Enable the DPM reading mode and invert the color of the image using GrayscaleTransformationModes.

Direct part marking
Data Matrix

Download Our Free Barcode Test Sheet

Curious about how our Dynamsoft Barcode Scanner SDK works in real-world applications? Download our free Barcode Test Sheet, a comprehensive PDF packed with different types of barcodes, batched barcodes or even damaged codes ready to be scanned. Explore the real-world examples to see how Dynamsoft can boost your scanning performance and tackle the challenges of difficult-to-read barcodes.

Barcode Test Sheet