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Scan Single-Page Documents with Dynamsoft Document Scanner

Prerequisite: Read the Introduction before proceeding.

Dynamsoft Document Scanner (DDS) is an SDK designed for scanning single-page documents. It not only captures images of the documents but also enhances their quality to professional standards, making it an ideal tool for mobile document scanning.

See it in action with the Dynamsoft Document Scanner Demo.

This guide walks you through building a web application that scans single-page documents using DDS, with pre-defined configurations.


Get a Trial License

If you haven’t got a trial license for DDS, you can request one through our customer portal. The trial license can be renewed twice, offering a total of two months of free access.

DDS and MWC share the same license keys. If you already have a DDS license, you can use it for MWC, and vice versa.

Get a Full License

To purchase a full license, contact us.

Quick Start

The first step in using DDS is to obtain its library files. You can acquire them from one of the following sources:

  1. GitHub – Contains the source files for the DDS SDK, which can be compiled into library files.
  2. npm – Provides precompiled library files via npm for easier installation.
  3. CDN – Delivers precompiled library files through a CDN for quick and seamless integration.

You can choose one of the following methods to set up a Hello World page:

  1. Build from Source – Download the source files from GitHub and compile the resource script yourself.
  2. Using Precompiled Script – Use the precompiled resource scripts from npm or the CDN for a quicker setup.

Option 1: Build from Source

This method retrieves all DDS source files from its GitHub Repository, compiles them into a distributable package, and then runs a ready-made Hello World sample page included in the repository.

Follow these steps:

  1. Download DDS from GitHub as a compressed folder.
  2. Extract the contents of the archive.
  3. Enter the license key you received in Get a Trial License in the Hello World sample.

    In your code editor, open the Hello World sample located at /samples/hello-world.html. Search for "YOUR_LICENSE_KEY_HERE" and replace it with your actual license key.

  4. Install project dependencies In the terminal, navigate to the project root directory and run:
     npm install
  5. Build the project After the dependencies are installed, build the project by running:
     npm run build
  6. Serve the project locally Start the local server by running:
     npm run serve

    Once the server is running, open the application in a browser using the address provided in the terminal output after running npm run serve.

    See the server configuration details in /dev-server/index.js.

Option 2: Use Precompiled Script

Since the DDS library files are published on npm, it’s easy to reference them from a CDN.

To use the precompiled script, simply include the following URL in a <script> tag:

<script src=""></script>

Below is the complete Hello World sample page that uses this precompiled script from a CDN.

The code is identical to the /samples/hello-world.html file mentioned in the Build from Source section, except for the script source.

Don’t forget to replace "YOUR_LICENSE_KEY_HERE" with your actual license key.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
    <title>Dynamsoft Document Scanner - Hello World</title>
    <script src=""></script>
    <h1 style="font-size: large">Dynamsoft Document Scanner</h1>
    <div id="results"></div>
      const resultContainer = document.querySelector("#results");
      // Instantiate a Dynamsoft Document Scanner Object
      const documentScanner = new Dynamsoft.DocumentScanner({
        license: "YOUR_LICENSE_KEY_HERE", // Replace this with your actual license key
      (async () => {
        // Launch the scanner and wait for the result
        const result = await documentScanner.launch();

        // Clear the result container and display the scanned result as a canvas
        if (result?.correctedImageResult) {
          resultContainer.innerHTML = ""; // Clear placeholder content
          const canvas = result.correctedImageResult.toCanvas();
        } else {
          resultContainer.innerHTML = "<p>No image scanned. Please try again.</p>";

To run the sample, create a new file called hello-world.html, then copy and paste the code above into the file. Next, serve the page directly by deploying it to a server.

If you are using VS Code, a quick and easy way to serve the project is using the Five Server VSCode extension. Simply install the extension, open the hello-world.html file in the editor, and click “Go Live” in the bottom right corner of the editor. This will serve the application at

Alternatively, you can use other methods like IIS or Apache to serve the project, though we won’t cover those here for brevity.

Hello World Sample Explained

Let’s walk through the code in the Hello World Sample to understand how it works.

Instead of using the code above, an alternative way to view the full code is by visiting the Dynamsoft Document Scanner Hello World Sample.

Reference DDS

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
    <title>Dynamsoft Document Scanner - Hello World</title>
    <script src="../dist/dds.bundle.js"></script>
    <!--Alternatively, reference the script from CDN
    <script src=""></script>

In this step, DDS is referenced using a relative local path in the <head> section of the HTML.

<script src="../dist/dds.bundle.js"></script>

Alternatively, the script can be referenced from a CDN:

<script src=""></script>

DDS wraps all its dependency scripts, so a DDS project only needs to include DDS itself as a single script. No additional dependency scripts are required.

IMPORTANT: Even if you reference the script locally, supporting resources like .wasm engine files are still loaded from the CDN at runtime. If you require a fully offline setup, follow the instructions in Self-Hosting Resource File.

Instantiate DDS

const documentScanner = new Dynamsoft.DocumentScanner({
    license: "YOUR_LICENSE_KEY_HERE", // Replace this with your actual license key

API Reference: DocumentScanner()

This step creates the DDS UI, which, occupies the entire visible area of the browser window by default when launched. If needed, you can specify a container to restrict the UI’s size. For more details, refer to Confine DocumentScanner UI to a Specific Container

A license key is required for the instantiation.

Launch DDS

const result = await documentScanner.launch();

API Reference: launch()

This step launches the user into the document scanning workflow, beginning in the DocumentScannerView, where they can scan a document using one of three methods:

  • Option 1: Manually scan by pressing the shutter button.
  • Option 2: Enable “Smart Capture” - the scanner will automatically capture an image once a document is detected.
  • Option 3: Enable “Auto Crop” - the scanner will automatically capture an image, detect the document, and crop it out of the video frame.

For Options 1 & 2: The user is directed to DocumentCorrectionView to review detected document boundaries and make any necessary adjustments before applying corrections. Afterward, they proceed to DocumentResultView.

For Option 3: The DocumentCorrectionView step is skipped. Image correction is applied automatically, and the user is taken directly to DocumentResultView.

In DocumentResultView, if needed, the user can return to DocumentCorrectionView to make additional adjustments or press “Re-take” to restart the scanning process.

Display the Result

The workflow returns a scanned image object of type CorrectedImageResult. To display the scanned result image, we use a <div> in the <body>:

    <h1 style="font-size: large">Dynamsoft Document Scanner</h1>
    <div id="results"></div>

API Reference: DocumentResult

The following code clears the result container and displays the scanned result as a canvas:

if (result?.correctedImageResult) {
    resultContainer.innerHTML = "";
    const canvas = result.correctedImageResult.toCanvas();
} else {
    resultContainer.innerHTML = "<p>No image scanned. Please try again.</p>";

Custom Usage

This section builds on the Hello World sample to demonstrate how to configure DDS, typically by adjusting the DocumentScannerConfig object.

DocumentScannerConfig Overview

DocumentScannerConfig is the primary configuration object for customizing DDS. It includes the following properties:

  1. license: The license key.
  2. container: The HTML container for the entire workflow. If not specified (like in the Hello World Sample), one is created automatically.
  3. showCorrectionView: Configures where or not to show DocumentCorrectionView.
  4. showResultView: Configures where or not to show DocumentResultView.
  5. scannerViewConfig: Configures the main scanner view with the following properties:
    1. container: The HTML container for the DocumentScannerView.
    2. cameraEnhancerUIPath: Path to the UI definition file (.html) for the DocumentScannerView.
  6. correctionViewConfig: Configures the document correction view.
    1. container: The HTML container for the DocumentCorrectionView.
    2. toolbarButtonsConfig: Configures the appearance and labels of the buttons for the DocumentCorrectionView UI.
    3. onFinish: Handler called when the user clicks the “Apply” button.
  7. resultViewConfig: Configures the result view with the following properties:
    1. container: The HTML container for the DocumentResultView.
    2. toolbarButtonsConfig: Configures the appearance and labels of the buttons for the DocumentResultView UI.
    3. onDone: Handler called when the user clicks the “Done” button.
    4. onUpload: Handler called when the user clicks the “Upload” button.
  8. templateFilePath: Path to a Capture Vision template. Typically not needed as the default template is used.
  9. utilizedTemplateNames: Template names for detection and correction. Typically not needed as the default template is used.
  10. engineResourcePaths: Paths to extra resources such as .wasm engine files.

We will discuss two main methods of customizing DDS with DocumentScannerConfig:

  1. Workflow Customization: Through container definitions.
  2. View-Based Customization: Through configuration objects.

The customization examples below will build on the Hello World code from the previous section. The only change required is adjusting the constructor argument.

const documentScanner = new Dynamsoft.DocumentScanner({
    license: "YOUR_LICENSE_KEY_HERE", // Replace this with your actual license key
    // Add more arguments

Workflow Customization

In the Hello World sample, we use the complete workflow with minimum configuration:

const documentScanner = new Dynamsoft.DocumentScanner({
    license: "YOUR_LICENSE_KEY_HERE", // Replace this with your actual license key
// Launch the scanner and wait for the result
const result = await documentScanner.launch();

In this case, DDS automatically creates “containers” for its Views. In this section, we’ll discuss a few examples to adjust the DDS workflow.

Example 1: Confine DocumentScanner UI to a Specific Container

As long as the DocumentScanner container is assigned, DDS will confine its Views within that container.

Note that containers assigned to its constituent Views will be ignored.

<div id="myDocumentScannerContainer" style="width: 80vw; height: 80vh;"></div>
const documentScanner = new Dynamsoft.DocumentScanner({
    license: "YOUR_LICENSE_KEY_HERE", // Replace this with your actual license key
    container: document.getElementById("myDocumentScannerContainer") , // Use this container for the full workflow
    scannerViewConfig: {
        container: document.getElementById("myDocumentScannerViewContainer") // This container is ignored

Example 2: Show DocumentScannerView Only

In some cases, DocumentResultView and DocumentCorrectionView may not be needed, so they can be hidden:

const documentScanner = new Dynamsoft.DocumentScanner({
    license: "YOUR_LICENSE_KEY_HERE", // Replace this with your actual license key
    showResultView: false,
    showCorrectionView: false

Example 3: Specify Individual View Containers

If only the DocumentScannerView, DocumentResultView, and DocumentCorrectionView containers are provided without the DocumentScanner container, DDS will render the full workflow using these three containers.

<div id="myDocumentScannerViewContainer" style="width: 80vw; height: 80vh"></div>
<div id="myDocumentCorrectionViewContainer" style="width: 80vw; height: 80vh"></div>
<div id="myScanResultViewContainer" style="width: 80vw; height: 80vh"></div>
const documentScanner = new Dynamsoft.DocumentScanner({
    license: "YOUR_LICENSE_KEY_HERE", // Replace this with your actual license key
    scannerViewConfig: {
        container: document.getElementById("myDocumentScannerViewContainer")
    correctionViewConfig: {
        container: document.getElementById("myDocumentCorrectionViewContainer")
    resultViewConfig: {
        container: document.getElementById("myScanResultViewContainer")

View-Based Customization

In addition to modifying the workflow, individual Views can be customized with configuration options for UI styling, button settings, and event handling.

DocumentScannerView Configuration

Consider the following configuration interface used for customizing the DocumentScannerView:

interface DocumentScannerViewConfig {
    container?: HTMLElement;
    templateFilePath?: string;
    cameraEnhancerUIPath?: string;

We previously covered container in Workflow Customization, and changing templateFilePath is usually not required. Now, let’s focus on cameraEnhancerUIPath.

If DDS performance does not meet your needs in your usage scenario, you may require a customized algorithm template for better results. In this case, please contact our experienced Technical Support Team to discuss your requirements. They will help tailor a suitable template for you, which you can then apply by updating templateFilePath.

By default, cameraEnhancerUIPath points to a file hosted on the jsDelivr CDN:

This file defines the UI for DocumentScannerView. However, since files on the CDN cannot be modified directly, you need to use a local version to customize the UI. cameraEnhancerUIPath is used to specify the local version.

Steps to Customize the UI for DocumentScannerView
  1. Follow the instructions in Build from Source to obtain the source files for DDS.
  2. Edit /src/document-scanner.ui.html to apply your customizations.
  3. Build the project to generate the updated file in /dist/document-scanner.ui.html:

    npm run build
  4. Update the configuration to use the local file instead of the CDN version:

    const documentScanner = new Dynamsoft.DocumentScanner({
        license: "YOUR_LICENSE_KEY_HERE", // Replace with your actual license key
        scannerViewConfig: {
            cameraEnhancerUIPath: "../dist/document-scanner.ui.html", // Use the local file

DocumentCorrectionView Configuration

Consider the following configuration interface used for customizing the DocumentCorrectionView:

interface DocumentCorrectionViewConfig {
    container?: HTMLElement;
    toolbarButtonsConfig?: DocumentCorrectionViewToolbarButtonsConfig;
    onFinish?: (result: DocumentScanResult) => void;

container is covered in Workflow Customization, we’ll look at the other two properties below.

Styling Buttons

The toolbarButtonsConfig property, of type DocumentCorrectionViewToolbarButtonsConfig, customizes the appearance and functionality of the UI buttons. Here is its definition:

type ToolbarButtonConfig = Pick<ToolbarButton, "icon" | "label" | "isHidden">;
interface DocumentCorrectionViewToolbarButtonsConfig {
    fullImage?: ToolbarButtonConfig;
    detectBorders?: ToolbarButtonConfig;
    apply?: ToolbarButtonConfig;

We can use it to change the icon and label of each of the three UI buttons individually or even hide them. Below is an example that sets a custom label and image icon for the “Detect Borders” button and hides the “fullImage” button:

const documentScanner = new Dynamsoft.DocumentScanner({
    license: "YOUR_LICENSE_KEY_HERE", // Replace this with your actual license key
    correctionViewConfig: {
        toolbarButtonsConfig: {
            fullImage: {
                isHidden: true
            detectBorders: {
                icon: "path/to/new_icon.png", // Change to the actual path of the new icon
                label: "Custom Label"
Customizing Apply Button Callback

The onFinish callback is triggered after the user’s corrections have been applied. For example, the code below displays the corrected image in a resultContainer after the user clicks “Apply”:

const documentScanner = new Dynamsoft.DocumentScanner({
    license: "YOUR_LICENSE_KEY_HERE", // Replace this with your actual license key
    correctionViewConfig: {
        onFinish: (result) => {
            const canvas = result.correctedImageResult.toCanvas();

DocumentResultView Configuration

Consider the following configuration interface used for customizing the DocumentResultView:

interface DocumentResultViewConfig {
  container?: HTMLElement;
  toolbarButtonsConfig?: DocumentResultViewToolbarButtonsConfig;
  onDone?: (result: DocumentResult) => Promise<void>;
  onUpload?: (result: DocumentResult) => Promise<void>;

Like with DocumentCorrectionView, we’ll look at toolbarButtonsConfig, onDone and onUpload.

Styling Buttons

The toolbarButtonsConfig property, of type DocumentResultViewToolbarButtonsConfig, customizes the appearance and functionality of the UI buttons. Here is its definition:

type ToolbarButtonConfig = Pick<ToolbarButton, "icon" | "label" | "isHidden">;
interface interface DocumentResultViewToolbarButtonsConfig {
  retake?: ToolbarButtonConfig;
  correct?: ToolbarButtonConfig;
  share?: ToolbarButtonConfig;
  upload?: ToolbarButtonConfig;
  done?: ToolbarButtonConfig;

We can use it to change the icon and label of each of the three UI buttons individually or even hide them. Below is an example that sets a custom label and image icon for the “retake” button and hides the “share” button:

const documentScanner = new Dynamsoft.DocumentScanner({
    license: "YOUR_LICENSE_KEY_HERE", // Replace this with your actual license key
    resultViewConfig: {
        toolbarButtonsConfig: {
            retake: {
                icon: "path/to/new_icon.png", // Change to the actual path of the new icon
                label: "Custom Label"
            share: {
                isHidden: true
Customizing the “Done” Button Callback

The onDone callback is triggered when the “Done” button is pressed. For example, the code below displays the result image in a resultContainer after the user clicks “Done”:

const documentScanner = new Dynamsoft.DocumentScanner({
    license: "YOUR_LICENSE_KEY_HERE", // Replace this with your actual license key
    resultViewConfig: {
        onDone: async (result) => 
            const canvas = result.correctedImageResult.toCanvas();
Customizing the “Upload” Button

The onUpload callback is triggered when the “Upload” button is pressed. Note that the Upload button only appears if a callback function is defined for onUpload; otherwise, the button remains hidden.

The following example demonstrates how to upload the result image to a server:

If you followed the steps in Build from Source and are still using the predefined Express server setup, the following upload code will work correctly. The image will be uploaded directly to the dev server as “uploadedFile.png”. See the server configuration details in /dev-server/index.js.

const documentScanner = new Dynamsoft.DocumentScanner({
    license: "YOUR_LICENSE_KEY_HERE", // Replace this with your actual license key
    resultViewConfig: {
        onUpload: async (result) => {
            const host = window.location.origin;
            const blob = await result.correctedImageResult.toBlob();
            // Create form data
            const formData = new FormData();
            formData.append("uploadFile", blob, "uploadedFile.png");
            // Upload file
            const response = await fetch(
                `${host}/upload`, // Change this to your actul upload URL
                    method: "POST",
                    body: formData,

Self-Hosting Resource Files

By default, DDS relies on a CDN for resources such as .wasm engine files. If you require a fully offline setup, follow these steps:

These steps are based on Build from Source, meaning that all DDS source files must be available on your local machine.

Update the Engine Resource Paths and the UI Path:

In this case, we reference local resource files that are copied during the build process. See Modify the Build Script for details. However, you can also reference your own copies, such as files hosted on your own server. If you need assistance, feel free to contact us.

const documentScanner = new Dynamsoft.DocumentScanner({
    license: "YOUR_LICENSE_KEY_HERE",
    scannerViewConfig: {
        cameraEnhancerUIPath: "./dist/document-scanner.ui.html", // Use the local file
    engineResourcePaths: {
        std: "./dist/libs/dynamsoft-capture-vision-std/dist/",
        dip: "./dist/libs/dynamsoft-image-processing/dist/",
        core: "./dist/libs/dynamsoft-core/dist/",
        license: "./dist/libs/dynamsoft-license/dist/",
        cvr: "./dist/libs/dynamsoft-capture-vision-router/dist/",
        ddn: "./dist/libs/dynamsoft-document-normalizer/dist/",

Modify the Build Script

Update the scripts section in package.json to automatically copy the libraries during the build process:

"scripts": {
    "serve": "node dev-server/index.js",
    "build": "rollup -c && npm run copy-libs",
    "copy-libs": "npx mkdirp dist/libs && npx cpx \"node_modules/dynamsoft-*/**/*\" dist/libs/ --dereference",
    "build:production": "rollup -c --environment BUILD:production"

Build the Project

Build the project by running:

npm run build

Serve the Project Locally

Start the local development server by running:

npm run serve

Once the server is running, open the application in a browser using the address provided in the terminal output.

Now, all required files will be served locally without relying on a CDN.


  • Certain legacy web application servers may lack support for the application/wasm mimetype for .wasm files. To address this, you have two options:
    1. Upgrade your web application server to one that supports the application/wasm mimetype.
    2. Manually define the mimetype on your server. You can refer to the guides for apache / IIS / nginx.
  • To work properly, the SDK requires a few engine files, which are relatively large and may take quite a few seconds to download. We recommend that you set a longer cache time for these engine files, to maximize the performance of your web application.

    Cache-Control: max-age=31536000

    Reference: Cache-Control.

Next Step

DDS is a fully functional, ready-to-use document scanning SDK with built-in UI layouts. However, to extend its capabilities for multi-page and multi-document processing, as well as advanced editing features, we developed Mobile Web Capture (MWC).

Read on to learn how to use this web-based wrapper SDK in the MWC Getting Started Guide.

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