Houston, TX
Internet Search Engine
Dynamsoft Customer
Since 2007
Experienced regular data corruption while using VSS 2005 over HTTP
The Solution
Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere for VSS
The Result
"With virtually no downtime, we have seen an overall improvement in productivity," Neal Verma, Founder and CEO, iRazoo

"We are thrilled to not have to waste time rebuilding VSS 2005 at every turn. However, we are now measuring success by how much uptime we have achieved with SourceAnywhere for VSS."
"As an emerging company, one of our highest priorities is developing a strong brand. Being in the search engine market, reliability is fundamental for our success. Dynamsoft has directly impacted our ability to focus on business issues and develop new features which will enhance our users' experience."
Neal Verma
Founder and CEO, iRazoo
Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere for VSS
Eliminates Development Bottlenecks at iRazoo
Headquartered in Houston, Texas, iRazoo (http://www.iRazoo.com) is a user recommended, points driven, search engine. Based on patent-pending technology, iRazoo allows search engine users to use human collaboration to produce a better search result than a computer program can produce. Each time a user recommends a website, the user will accumulate "points", which can be exchanged for rewards.
The Problem
While the innovative company is growing its user base daily, in the background its development team was spinning its wheels solving corruption challenges stemming from Microsoft Visual SourceSafe 2005 over HTTP.
"We liked SourceSafe as a general solution," commented Neal Verma, Founder and CEO, iRazoo. "SourceSafe 2005 worked fine on a local setting, but it doesn't work very well over the internet."
"Our main issue was the data corruption which was occurring on a daily basis," noted Verma. Problems sometimes could be solved in 30 minutes, but other issues drained up to two hours of a developer's time to rebuild the VSS database or recreate a user. The growing company, whose team includes remote members, found they were spending approximately $6,000 a month in time repairing recurring corruption to its server.
Verma stated that while its development challenges do not have direct impact on the production side of iRazoo's business, it can indirectly affect users. "Based upon lots of suggestions or comments we get back every day, we add a lot of features to the site and if certain features don't get implemented quickly enough we lose those people because we were trying to fix the VSS on the back-end," commented Verma.
iRazoo needed a reliable way to access VSS over the Internet.
The Solution: Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere for VSS
An add-on tool for SourceSafe, the software is recommended by Microsoft as a remote access and cross platform solution to VSS. SourceAnywhere for VSS was created with four core objectives in mind:
- Performance - To deliver the fastest remote access possible over TCP/IP.
- Security - To apply a fail-safe approach to moving code assets across the Web.
- Multi-Platform Support - To provide broad platform support and integrate with the industry's most popular OS and IDEs.
- SourceSafe GUI Similarity - To ensure easy integration for developers.
SourceAnywhere for VSS also reduces the chance of VSS database corruption dramatically by sending the files to the SourceAnywhere for VSS server first and then operates on the VSS database through LAN.
Improved Productivity and Reliability
"We were able to get back on track because of Dynamsoft." Since using SourceAnywhere for VSS, Verma asserted, "All of those problems have been solved now. So, all that time or approximately $6000 per month that was going down the tube is not being wasted anymore." In fact, since implementing SourceAnywhere for VSS, Verma confirmed the corruption that was occurring has now been eliminated. "With virtually no downtime, we have seen an overall improvement in productivity and our developers can get a lot more done," remarked Verma.
Similar Interface Leads to Reduced Learning Curve
The feature set was important to the team, but another priority was to retain, as much as possible, the look and feel of VSS. Verma stated, "All the developers were used to the Microsoft product: used to how it worked and how to fix it when it broke. Because of the resemblance to VSS, our team has been able to jump right in and use the software with almost no learning curve."
Lowering the Threat of Damage by Securing Data
"I would say that security is important. It is definitely important since we are transmitting data over the internet and the SourceAnywhere for VSS features do safeguard the data so we have not had any concerns about it," commented Verma.
SourceAnywhere for VSS eliminates the needs of exposing the whole VSS database folder to internet by adopting client/server architecture. All the data in the transmission can be encrypted by 128-SSL and Blowfish encryption. Password Policy can be enforced to protect the password.
About Dynamsoft
Dynamsoft Corporation is the leading developer of version control and issue tracking software. Many Fortune 500 companies including HP, IBM and Intel use Dynamsoft solutions for version control, issue tracking.
About SourceAnywhere for VSS
An add-on tool for VSS, SourceAnywhere for VSS is the fastest VSS remote access software. It is also recommended by Microsoft for VSS remote and cross-platform access.
- Dynamsoft Corporation
- www.dynamsoft.com
- 877-605-5491
- info@dynamsoft.com