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How-to Guides - Upgrade to Latest Version

From version 8.0.0 to 8.x

Just replace the old assembly files with the ones in the latest version. Download the latest version here. Your existing license for 8.0.0 is compatible with 8.x.

From version 7.x

You need to replace the old assembly files with the ones in the latest version. Download the latest version here.

Your previous SDK license for version 7.x is not compatible with the version 8.x. Please contact us to upgrade your license.

In v8.0.0, we introduced a new license tracking mechanism, License 2.0.

If you wish to use License 2.0, please refer to this article to set the license.

After you upgraded your license to version 8.x:

  • If you were using InitLicense, please replace the old license with the newly generated one.

  • If you were using InitLicenseFromServer to connect to Dynamsoft server for license verification, then no need to change the license key. But please make sure the device has Internet connection.

  • If you were using InitLicenseFromServer + InitLicenseFromLicenseContent to connect to Dynamsoft server once and use the SDK offline, please follow these steps to re-register the device.

  • If you were using InitLicenseFromLicenseContent to use the SDK offline, please follow these steps to re-register the device.

From version 6.x

We made some structural updates in the new version. To upgrade from 6.x to 8.x, we recommend you to review our sample code and re-write the barcode scanning module.

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