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The SimplifiedBarcodeReaderSettings class contains settings for barcode decoding. It is a sub-parameter of SimplifiedCaptureVisionSettings.


Namespace: Dynamsoft.DBR

Assembly: Dynamsoft.BarcodeReader.dll

public class SimplifiedBarcodeReaderSettings


Attribute Type
barcodeFormatIds ulong
expectedBarcodesCount int
grayscaleTransformationModes EnumGrayscaleTransformationMode[]
grayscaleEnhancementModes EnumGrayscaleEnhancementMode[]
localizationModes EnumLocalizationMode[]
deblurModes EnumDeblurMode[]
minResultConfidence int
minBarcodeTextLength int
barcodeTextRegExPattern string
maxThreadsInOneTask int
scaleDownThreshold int


Input a combined value of enumeration EnumBarcodeFormat to specify the targeting barcode formats.

ulong barcodeFormatIds;


Set the expected barcode count. The default value is 0.

int expectedBarcodesCount;


  • Set expectedBarcodesCount to 0 if the barcode count is unknown. The library will try to find at least 1 barcode.
  • Set expectedBarcodesCount to 1 to reach the highest speed for processing single barcode.
  • Set expectedBarcodesCount to “n” if there will be “n” barcodes to process from an image.
  • Set expectedBarcodesCount to the highest expected value if there exists multiple barcode but the exact count is not confirmed.


Set the grayscale transformation modes using an EnumGrayscaleTransformationMode array with 8 elements. View the reference page of GrayscaleTransformationModes for more detail about grayscale transformation modes.

EnumGrayscaleTransformationMode[] grayscaleTransformationModes;


Set the grayscale enhancement modes using an EnumGrayscaleEnhancementMode array with 8 elements. View the reference page of GrayscaleEnhancementModes for more detail about grayscale enhancement modes.

EnumGrayscaleEnhancementMode[] grayscaleEnhancementModes;


Set the location modes using an EnumLocalizationMode array with 8 elements. View the reference page of LocalizationModes for more detail about location modes.

EnumLocalizationMode[] localizationModes;


Set the deblur modes using an EnumDeblurMode array with 10 elements. View the reference page of DeblurModes for more detail about deblur modes.

EnumDeblurMode[] deblurModes;


Set the minimum result confidence to filter out the low confidence results. The default value is 30.

int minResultConfidence;


Set the minimum barcode text length to filter out the unqualified results.

int minBarcodeTextLength;


Set the RegEx pattern of the barcode text to filter out the unqualified results.

string barcodeTextRegExPattern;


Set the maximum available threads count in one barcode decoding task.

int maxThreadsInOneTask;

Value Range

[1, 256]

Default value



Set the threshold for image shrinking.

int scaleDownThreshold;

Value Range

[512, 0x7fffffff]

Default Value



If the shorter edge size is larger than the given threshold value, the library will calculate the required height and width of the target image and shrink the image to that size before further operation. Otherwise, the library will perform operation on the original image.

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