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Processing multiple Images/Pages

Method Description
SetInput Sets up an image source to provide images for continuous processing.
GetInput Returns the image source object.
AddResultReceiver Adds a ICapturedResultReceiver object as the receiver of captured results.
RemoveResultReceiver Removes the specified CapturedResultReceiver object.
StartCapturing Initiates a capturing process based on a specified template. This process is repeated for each image fetched from the source.
StopCapturing Stops the capturing process.
AddResultFilter Adds a CaptureResultFilter object to filter non-essential results.
RemoveResultFilter Removes the specified CaptureResultFilter object.


Sets up an image source to provide images for continuous processing.

void SetInput(ImageSourceAdapter adapter);


[in] adapter: An object of ImageSourceAdapter.

Note: You can use an object of CameraEnhancer as the ImageSourceAdapter object.

Possible Errors

Error Code Value Description
EC_CALL_REJECTED_WHEN_CAPTURING -10062 Function call is rejected when capturing in progress.


Returns the image source object.

ImageSourceAdapter GetInput();

Return Value

The ImageSourceAdapter object that is bind with this CaptureVisionRouter object.


Adds a ICapturedResultReceiver object as the receiver of captured results.

void AddResultReceiver(ICapturedResultReceiver receiver);


[in] receiver: The receiver object, of type ICapturedResultReceiver.


Removes the specified ICapturedResultReceiver object.

void RemoveResultReceiver(ICapturedResultReceiver receiver);


[in] receiver: The receiver object, of type ICapturedResultReceiver.


Initiates a capturing process based on a specified template. This process is repeated for each image fetched from the source.

void StartCapturing(string templateName, ICompletionListener completionHandler);


[in] templateName: Specifies a “CaptureVisionTemplate” to use. The following value are available for this parameter:

  • One of the EnumPresetTemplate member. This is available only if you have never upload a new template via InitSettings or InitSettingsFromFile.
  • A string that represents one of the template name that you have uploaded via InitSettings or InitSettingsFromFile.
  • ”” (empty string) to use the default template. The first template will be used if you have uploaded a template file via InitSettingsFromFile or InitSettings.

[in] completionHandler: A CompletionListener the system calls after it finishes the StartCapturing.


Stops the capturing process.

void StopCapturing();


Adds a CapturedResultFilter object to filter non-essential results. Currnetly, MultiFrameCrossFilter is the only supported implementation of the CapturedResultFilter.

void AddResultFilter(ICapturedResultFilter filter);


[in] filter: The filter object, of type CapturedResultFilter. Currnetly, is must be a MultiFrameCrossFilter object.


Removes the specified CapturedResultFilter object.

void RemoveResultFilter(ICapturedResultFilter filter);


[in] filter: The filter object, of type CapturedResultFilter.

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