How to Customize Mobile Web Capture
Read the MWC Getting Started Guide before proceeding.
This guide expands on the Hello World sample from the MWC Getting Started Guide and explores the available customization options.
MobileWebCaptureConfig Overview
is the primary configuration object for customizing MWC. It includes the following properties:
: The license key.container
: The HTML container for the entire workflow. If not specified (like in the Hello World Sample), one is created automatically.exportConfig
: Configures functions for handling document export operations.uploadToServer
: Specifies a function to upload a file to a server.downloadFromServer
: Specifies a function to download a document from the server.deleteFromServer
: Specifies a function to delete a document from the server.onUploadSuccess
: Specifies a function that is triggered when the upload operation succeeds.
: Configures where or not this MWC instance starts with theLibraryView
: Specifies a function that is triggered when the user closes this MWC instance.documentScannerConfig
: Configures the behavior of the built-inDocumentScanner
instance. See the details inDocumentScannerConfig
: Configures the library view with the following properties:emptyContentConfig
: Specifies the content displayed in the library view when it is empty (no document).toolbarButtonsConfig
: Configures the buttons in the toolbar of the library view.
: Configures the document view with the following properties:emptyContentConfig
: Specifies the content displayed in the document view when it is empty (no page).toolbarButtonsConfig
: Configures the buttons in the toolbar of the document view.
: Configures the page view.toolbarButtonsConfig
: Configures the buttons in the toolbar of the page view.annotationToolbarLabelConfig
: Configures the labels of the annotation options.transferViewConfig
: Configures the transfer view.toolbarButtonsConfig
: Configures the buttons in the toolbar of the transfer view.historyViewConfig
: Configures the history view.emptyContentConfig
: Specifies the content displayed in the history view when it is empty (no uploads).toolbarButtonsConfig
: Configures the button in the toolbar of the history view.ddvResourcePath
: Paths to extra resources such as.wasm
engine files and CSS files.
API Reference: MobileWebCaptureConfig
Overall UI and Workflow Customization
MWC automatically creates containers that fill the entire viewport for its Views if none are specified in the configuration. These views come with a predefined workflow. The following demonstrates a few ways to customize the overall UI.
Specify the UI Container
When a container is assigned, MWC UI will be confined in that container element:
<div id="myMobileWebCapture" style="width: 80vw; height: 80vh;"></div>
const mobileWebCapture = new Dynamsoft.MobileWebCapture({
license: "YOUR_LICENSE_KEY_HERE", // Replace this with your actual license key
container: document.getElementById("myMobileWebCapture") , // Use this container for the full workflow
(async () => {
// Launch the Mobile Web Capture Instance
const fileName = `New_Document_${}`;
await mobileWebCapture.launch(fileName);
Enable the LibraryView
By default, MWC starts with DocumentView
, disabling LibraryView
, so only one document is created and managed. Enabling LibraryView
allows multiple documents.
Since MWC now starts with
, a document name is no longer required. If specified,LibraryView
is still enabled, but MWC will start withDocumentView
const mobileWebCapture = new Dynamsoft.MobileWebCapture({
license: "YOUR_LICENSE_KEY_HERE", // Replace this with your actual license key
showLibraryView: true // Enable LibraryView
(async () => {
// Launch the Mobile Web Capture Instance
await mobileWebCapture.launch(); // No need to specify a document name.
On the LibraryView
, the user can
- New : Create a new document.
- Capture : Create a new document by capturing the first image for it.
- Import : Create a new document by importing one or multiple images or PDF files.
The user can also enable the “Upload” feature. Check out Enable File Upload and Enable Upload History. When the Upload History feature is enabled, the user can
- Uploads: View uploaded documents from this session, download, or delete them.
Start by Opening a Document
By default, MWC starts empty. However, you can specify a file to be opened as the initial document.
<input type="file" id="initialFile" accept="image/*,application/pdf" />
const mobileWebCapture = new Dynamsoft.MobileWebCapture({
license: "YOUR_LICENSE_KEY_HERE", // Replace this with your actual license key
document.getElementById("initialFile").onchange = async function () {
const files = Array.from(this.files || []);
if (files.length) {
// Launch the Mobile Web Capture instance with an initial file
if (mobileWebCapture.hasLaunched)
await mobileWebCapture.dispose();
await mobileWebCapture.launch(files[0]);
API Reference:
Scan Directly to Document
When capturing a document, it goes through three views:
The latter two views can be skipped to speed up the process.
const mobileWebCapture = new Dynamsoft.MobileWebCapture({
license: "YOUR_LICENSE_KEY_HERE", // Replace this with your actual license key
documentScannerConfig: {
showResultView: false,
showCorrectionView: false,
(async () => {
// Launch the Mobile Web Capture Instance
const fileName = `New_Document_${}`;
await mobileWebCapture.launch(fileName);
Enable File Upload
When exportConfig.uploadToServer
is defined, an Upload button appears in both DocumentView
and PageView
is enabled, the Upload button will also appear there.
The following example demonstrates how to enable file upload and exit the Mobile Web Capture Instance after a successful upload.
If you followed the steps in Build from Source and are still using the predefined Express server setup, the following upload code will work correctly. See the server configuration details in
const uploadToServer = async (fileName, blob) => {
const host = window.location.origin;
// Create form data
const formData = new FormData();
formData.append("uploadFile", blob, fileName);
// Upload file
const response = await fetch(
`${host}/upload`, // Change this to your actul upload URL
method: "POST",
body: formData,
if (response.status === 200) {
// **IMPORTANT**: Returning { status: "success" } is required to trigger onUploadSuccess.
return {
status: "success",
} else {
return {
status: "failed",
const onUploadSuccess = async (fileName) => {
console.log(`${fileName} uploaded successfully!`);
return true; // Exit the Mobile Web Capture Instance
const mobileWebCapture = new Dynamsoft.MobileWebCapture({
license: "YOUR_LICENSE_KEY_HERE", // Replace this with your actual license key
exportConfig: {
(async () => {
// Launch the Mobile Web Capture Instance
const fileName = `New_Document_${}`;
await mobileWebCapture.launch(fileName);
⚠ IMPORTANT: The Upload feature is enabled simultaneously in
(and inLibraryView
if it is enabled). If this is not intended, you can hide the Upload button in these Views. Read more:
Enable Upload History
When File Upload feature is on and LibraryView
is enabled, we can enable the Upload History feature in the LibraryView
by defining all the following:
The following example demonstrates how to enable this feature.
If you followed the steps in Build from Source and are still using the predefined Express server setup, the following code will work correctly. See the server configuration details in
const host = window.location.origin;
const shortSessionID = Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 12);
const uploadToServer = async (fileName, blob) => {
const formData = new FormData();
formData.append("uploadFile", blob, fileName);
formData.append("fileName", fileName);
formData.append("sessionID", shortSessionID);
// Upload file
const response = await fetch(
`${host}/upload`, // Change this to your actul upload URL
method: "POST",
body: formData,
const responseText = await response.text();
if (!responseText || !responseText.includes("UploadedFileName")) {
throw new Error("Invalid server response");
const serverFileName = responseText.match(
if (!serverFileName) {
throw new Error("Failed to parse server response");
const [, sessionID, uploadTime, realFileName] = serverFileName;
const downloadUrl = `${host}/download?fileName=${encodeURIComponent(
// NOTE: Ensure the object returned contains status, fileName, and downloadUrl
return {
status: "success",
fileName: realFileName,
const deleteFromServer = async (doc) => {
const response = await fetch(
method: "POST",
const downloadFromServer = async (doc) => {;
const mobileWebCapture = new Dynamsoft.MobileWebCapture({
license: "YOUR_LICENSE_KEY_HERE", // Replace this with your actual license key
showLibraryView: true, // Enable LibraryView
exportConfig: {
(async () => {
// Launch the Mobile Web Capture Instance
const fileName = `New_Document_${}`;
await mobileWebCapture.launch(fileName);
View-Based Customization
DocumentView Configuration
Consider the following configuration interface used for customizing the DocumentView
interface DocumentViewConfig {
emptyContentConfig?: EmptyContentConfig;
toolbarButtonsConfig?: DocumentToolbarButtonsConfig;
Example 1: Display A Message In An Empty Document
By default, the DocumentView
displays the following when empty:
You can customize its appearance using the emptyContentConfig
<div id="customizedDocViewContent">Start Your Document!</div>
const mobileWebCapture = new Dynamsoft.MobileWebCapture({
license: "YOUR_LICENSE_KEY_HERE", // Replace this with your actual license key
documentViewConfig: {
emptyContentConfig: document.getElementById("customizedDocViewContent"),
Example 2: Disable Upload in DocumentView
When exportConfig.uploadToServer
is defined, the Upload button appears in both DocumentView
and PageView
. The following example demonstrates how to disable this feature by hiding it in DocumentView
, ensuring that the Upload button only appears in PageView
Read more in Enable File Upload.
const mobileWebCapture = new Dynamsoft.MobileWebCapture({
license: "YOUR_LICENSE_KEY_HERE", // Replace this with your actual license key
documentViewConfig: {
toolbarButtonsConfig: { // Note that there are two upload buttons in DocumentView
uploadDocument: {
isHidden: true
uploadImage: {
isHidden: true
Example 3: Update the Button Icon
If you don’t like a button’s icon, you can customize it. The following example shows how to change the icon of the “Share Document” button:
const mobileWebCapture = new Dynamsoft.MobileWebCapture({
license: "YOUR_LICENSE_KEY_HERE", // Replace this with your actual license key
documentViewConfig: {
toolbarButtonsConfig: { // Note that there are two upload buttons in DocumentView
shareDocument: {
icon: "path/to/new_icon.png", // Change to the actual path of the new icon
label: "Custom Label"
LibraryView Configuration
Consider the following configuration interface used for customizing the LibraryView
interface LibraryViewConfig {
emptyContentConfig?: EmptyContentConfig;
toolbarButtonsConfig?: LibraryToolbarButtonsConfig;
Example 1: Display A Message In An Empty Library
By default, the LibraryView
displays the following when empty:
You can customize its appearance using the emptyContentConfig
<div id="customizedLibraryViewContent">Create Your First Document!</div>
const mobileWebCapture = new Dynamsoft.MobileWebCapture({
license: "YOUR_LICENSE_KEY_HERE", // Replace this with your actual license key
showLibraryView: true, // Enable LibraryView
libraryViewConfig: {
emptyContentConfig: document.getElementById("customizedLibraryViewContent"),
Example 2: Disable Upload in LibraryView
When exportConfig.uploadToServer
is defined and showLibraryView
is true
, an Upload button will appears in LibraryView
. The following example demonstrates how to hide the button.
Read more in Enable File Upload & Enabe Upload History.
const mobileWebCapture = new Dynamsoft.MobileWebCapture({
license: "YOUR_LICENSE_KEY_HERE", // Replace this with your actual license key
showLibraryView: true // Enable LibraryView
libraryViewConfig: {
toolbarButtonsConfig: {
upload: {
isHidden: true
PageView Configuration
Consider the following configuration interface used for customizing the PageView
interface PageViewConfig {
toolbarButtonsConfig?: PageViewToolbarButtonsConfig;
annotationToolbarLabelConfig?: DDVAnnotationToolbarLabelConfig;
Example 1: Disable Upload in PageView
In this example, we’ll demonstrate how to hide the Upload button in PageView
even when exportConfig.uploadToServer
is defined, ensuring that it only appears in DocumentView
const mobileWebCapture = new Dynamsoft.MobileWebCapture({
license: "YOUR_LICENSE_KEY_HERE", // Replace this with your actual license key
pageViewConfig: {
toolbarButtonsConfig: {
upload: {
isHidden: true
Example 2: Change the Labels of the Annotation Toolbar Buttons
You can customize the labels of the annotation toolbar buttons as follows:
const mobileWebCapture = new Dynamsoft.MobileWebCapture({
license: "YOUR_LICENSE_KEY_HERE", // Replace this with your actual license key
pageViewConfig: {
annotationToolbarLabelConfig: {
TextBoxAnnotation: "Input Text",
TransferView and HistoryView Configuration
The configuration follows similar patterns, so we won’t cover them here for brevity.
Self-Hosting Resource Files
By default, MWC relies on a CDN for resources such as .wasm
engine files. If you require a fully offline setup, follow these steps:
These steps are based on Build from Source, meaning that all MWC source files must be available on your local machine.
Update the Resource Paths
The following code modifies how resource files are referenced:
In this case, we reference local resource files that are copied during the build process. See Modify the Build Script for details. However, you can also reference your own copies, such as files hosted on your own server. If you need assistance, feel free to contact us.
const mobileWebCapture = new Dynamsoft.MobileWebCapture({
license: "YOUR_LICENSE_KEY_HERE", // Replace this with your actual license key
ddvResourcePath: "./dist/libs/dynamsoft-document-viewer/dist/",
documentScannerConfig: {
scannerViewConfig: {
cameraEnhancerUIPath: "./dist/document-scanner.ui.html", // Use the local file
engineResourcePaths: {
std: "./dist/libs/dynamsoft-capture-vision-std/dist/",
dip: "./dist/libs/dynamsoft-image-processing/dist/",
core: "./dist/libs/dynamsoft-core/dist/",
license: "./dist/libs/dynamsoft-license/dist/",
cvr: "./dist/libs/dynamsoft-capture-vision-router/dist/",
ddn: "./dist/libs/dynamsoft-document-normalizer/dist/",
Modify the Build Script
Update the scripts
section in package.json
to automatically copy the libraries during the build process:
"scripts": {
"serve": "node dev-server/index.js",
"build": "rollup -c && npm run copy-libs",
"copy-libs": "npx mkdirp dist/libs && npx cpx \"node_modules/dynamsoft-*/**/*\" dist/libs/ --dereference",
"build:production": "rollup -c --environment BUILD:production"
Build the Project
Once all dependencies are installed, build the project by running:
npm run build
Serve the Project Locally
Start the local development server by running:
npm run serve
Once the server is running, open the application in a browser using the address provided in the terminal output.
Now, all required files will be served locally without relying on a CDN.
- Certain legacy web application servers may lack support for the
mimetype for .wasm files. To address this, you have two options: -
To work properly, the SDK requires a few engine files, which are relatively large and may take quite a few seconds to download. We recommend that you set a longer cache time for these engine files, to maximize the performance of your web application.
Cache-Control: max-age=31536000
Reference: Cache-Control.
Next Step
Start building your own mobile document capture and management solution with MWC! If you encounter any technical issues or have suggestions, feel free to contact us.