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Mobile Web Capture API Reference

The MobileWebCapture class manages document scanning, viewing, and management.




constructor(config: MobileWebCaptureConfig)


Parameter Type Description
config MobileWebCaptureConfig The configuration settings for MobileWebCapture.


const mobileWebCapture = new Dynamsoft.MobileWebCapture({
    license: "YOUR_LICENSE_KEY_HERE", // Replace this with your actual license key
    documentScannerConfig: {
        showResultView: false,
        showCorrectionView: false,
(async () => {
    // Launch the Mobile Web Capture Instance
    const fileName = `New_Document_${}`;
    await mobileWebCapture.launch(fileName);



Starts the Mobile Web Capture workflow.


launch(file?: File | string): Promise<void>


Parameter Type Description
file File \| string (optional) A file or document name to open at launch.


  • An error if MWC is already running.


await mobileWebCapture.launch();
console.log("MWC launched successfully.");

Launching with a File

<input type="file" id="initialFile" accept="image/*,application/pdf" />
const mobileWebCapture = new Dynamsoft.MobileWebCapture({
    license: "YOUR_LICENSE_KEY_HERE", // Replace this with your actual license key
document.getElementById("initialFile").onchange = async function () {
    const files = Array.from(this.files || []);
    if (files.length) {
        // Launch the Mobile Web Capture instance with an initial file
        if (mobileWebCapture.hasLaunched) 
            await mobileWebCapture.dispose();
        await mobileWebCapture.launch(files[0]);


Cleans up resources and closes the MobileWebCapture instance.


dispose(): Promise<void>


await mobileWebCapture.dispose();
console.log("MWC resources released.");



Returns whether the MobileWebCapture instance is running.


readonly hasLaunched: boolean;
<input type="file" id="initialFile" accept="image/*,application/pdf" />
const mobileWebCapture = new Dynamsoft.MobileWebCapture({
    license: "YOUR_LICENSE_KEY_HERE", // Replace this with your actual license key
document.getElementById("initialFile").onchange = async function () {
    const files = Array.from(this.files || []);
    if (files.length) {
        // Launch the Mobile Web Capture instance with an initial file
        if (mobileWebCapture.hasLaunched) 
            await mobileWebCapture.dispose();
        await mobileWebCapture.launch(files[0]);

Configuration Interfaces



interface MobileWebCaptureConfig {
  license?: string;
  container?: HTMLElement | string;
  exportConfig?: ExportConffig;
  showLibraryView?: boolean;
  onClose?: () => void;

  // View Configs
  libraryViewConfig?: LibraryViewConfig;
  documentViewConfig?: DocumentViewConfig;
  pageViewConfig?: PageViewConfig;
  transferViewConfig?: TransferViewConfig;
  historyViewConfig?: HistoryViewConfig;

  // DDS Config


Property Type Description
license string The license key for using Mobile Web Capture (MWC).
container HTMLElement \| string The container element or selector for rendering the MobileWebCapture instance.
exportConfig ExportConfig Configuration for exporting captured documents.
showLibraryView boolean Determines if the LibraryView is shown (default: true).
onClose () => void Callback function triggered when the MobileWebCapture instance is closed.
libraryViewConfig LibraryViewConfig Configuration for the LibraryView.
documentViewConfig DocumentViewConfig Configuration for the DocumentView.
pageViewConfig PageViewConfig Configuration for the PageView.
transferViewConfig TransferViewConfig Configuration for the TransferView.
historyViewConfig HistoryViewConfig Configuration for the HistoryView.
documentScannerConfig DocumentScannerConfig Configuration for the built-in DocumentScanner.
See Also


const mobileWebCapture = new Dynamsoft.MobileWebCapture({
    license: "YOUR_LICENSE_KEY_HERE", // Replace this with your actual license key
    ddvResourcePath: "./dist/libs/dynamsoft-document-viewer/dist/",
    documentScannerConfig: {
        scannerViewConfig: {
            cameraEnhancerUIPath: "./dist/document-scanner.ui.html", // Use the local file
        engineResourcePaths: {
            std: "./dist/libs/dynamsoft-capture-vision-std/dist/",
            dip: "./dist/libs/dynamsoft-image-processing/dist/",
            core: "./dist/libs/dynamsoft-core/dist/",
            license: "./dist/libs/dynamsoft-license/dist/",
            cvr: "./dist/libs/dynamsoft-capture-vision-router/dist/",
            ddn: "./dist/libs/dynamsoft-document-normalizer/dist/",



interface LibraryViewConfig {
  emptyContentConfig?: EmptyContentConfig;
  toolbarButtonsConfig?: LibraryToolbarButtonsConfig;


Property Type Description
emptyContentConfig EmptyContentConfig Configuration for the content displayed on the empty LibraryView screen.
toolbarButtonsConfig LibraryToolbarButtonsConfig Configuration for the toolbar buttons in LibraryView.

Example 1: Display A Message In An Empty Library

By default, the LibraryView displays the following when empty:

Empty Library View

You can customize its appearance using the emptyContentConfig property.

<div id="customizedLibraryViewContent">Create Your First Document!</div>
const mobileWebCapture = new Dynamsoft.MobileWebCapture({
    license: "YOUR_LICENSE_KEY_HERE", // Replace this with your actual license key
    showLibraryView: true, // Enable LibraryView
    libraryViewConfig: {
        emptyContentConfig: document.getElementById("customizedLibraryViewContent"),

Example 2: Disable Upload in LibraryView

When exportConfig.uploadToServer is defined and showLibraryView is true, an Upload button will appears in LibraryView. The following example demonstrates how to hide the button.

const mobileWebCapture = new Dynamsoft.MobileWebCapture({
    license: "YOUR_LICENSE_KEY_HERE", // Replace this with your actual license key
    showLibraryView: true // Enable LibraryView
    libraryViewConfig: {
        toolbarButtonsConfig: {
            upload: {
                isHidden: true



interface DocumentViewConfig {
  emptyContentConfig?: EmptyContentConfig;
  toolbarButtonsConfig?: DocumentToolbarButtonsConfig;


Property Type Description
emptyContentConfig EmptyContentConfig Configuration for the content displayed on the empty DocumentView screen.
toolbarButtonsConfig DocumentToolbarButtonsConfig Configuration for the toolbar buttons in DocumentView.

Example 1: Display A Message In An Empty Document

By default, the DocumentView displays the following when empty:

Empty Document View

You can customize its appearance using the emptyContentConfig property.

<div id="customizedDocViewContent">Start Your Document!</div>
const mobileWebCapture = new Dynamsoft.MobileWebCapture({
    license: "YOUR_LICENSE_KEY_HERE", // Replace this with your actual license key
    documentViewConfig: {
        emptyContentConfig: document.getElementById("customizedDocViewContent"),

Example 2: Disable Upload in DocumentView

When exportConfig.uploadToServer is defined, the Upload button appears in both DocumentView and PageView. The following example demonstrates how to disable this feature by hiding it in DocumentView, ensuring that the Upload button only appears in PageView.

const mobileWebCapture = new Dynamsoft.MobileWebCapture({
    license: "YOUR_LICENSE_KEY_HERE", // Replace this with your actual license key
    documentViewConfig: {
        toolbarButtonsConfig: { // Note that there are two upload buttons in DocumentView
            uploadDocument: {
                isHidden: true
            uploadImage: {
                isHidden: true

Example 3: Update the Button Icon

If you don’t like a button’s icon, you can customize it. The following example shows how to change the icon of the “Share Document” button:

const mobileWebCapture = new Dynamsoft.MobileWebCapture({
    license: "YOUR_LICENSE_KEY_HERE", // Replace this with your actual license key
    documentViewConfig: {
        toolbarButtonsConfig: { // Note that there are two upload buttons in DocumentView
            shareDocument: {
                icon: "path/to/new_icon.png", // Change to the actual path of the new icon
                label: "Custom Label"



interface PageViewConfig {
  toolbarButtonsConfig?: PageViewToolbarButtonsConfig;
  annotationToolbarLabelConfig?: DDVAnnotationToolbarLabelConfig;


Property Type Description
toolbarButtonsConfig PageViewToolbarButtonsConfig Configuration for toolbar buttons in PageView.
annotationToolbarLabelConfig DDVAnnotationToolbarLabelConfig Configuration for annotation toolbar labels.

Example 1: Disable Upload in PageView

In this example, we’ll demonstrate how to hide the Upload button in PageView even when exportConfig.uploadToServer is defined, ensuring that it only appears in DocumentView.

const mobileWebCapture = new Dynamsoft.MobileWebCapture({
    license: "YOUR_LICENSE_KEY_HERE", // Replace this with your actual license key
    pageViewConfig: {
        toolbarButtonsConfig: {
            upload: {
                isHidden: true

Example 2: Change the Labels of the Annotation Toolbar Buttons

You can customize the labels of the annotation toolbar buttons as follows:

const mobileWebCapture = new Dynamsoft.MobileWebCapture({
    license: "YOUR_LICENSE_KEY_HERE", // Replace this with your actual license key
    pageViewConfig: {
        annotationToolbarLabelConfig: {
            TextBoxAnnotation: "Input Text",



interface HistoryViewConfig {
  emptyContentConfig?: EmptyContentConfig;
  toolbarButtonsConfig?: HistoryToolbarButtonsConfig;


Property Type Description
emptyContentConfig EmptyContentConfig Configuration for the content displayed on the empty HistoryView screen.
toolbarButtonsConfig HistoryToolbarButtonsConfig Configuration for the toolbar buttons in HistoryView.



interface TransferViewConfig {
  toolbarButtonsConfig?: TransferToolbarButtonsConfig;


Property Type Description
toolbarButtonsConfig TransferToolbarButtonsConfig Configuration for the toolbar buttons in TransferView.

Toolbar Button Configurations


A simplified configuration type for toolbar buttons.


export type ToolbarButtonConfig = Pick<"icon" | "label" | "isHidden">;


Property Type Description
icon string The icon displayed on the button.
label string The text label for the button.
isHidden boolean (optional) Determines if the button is hidden.


const mobileWebCapture = new Dynamsoft.MobileWebCapture({
    license: "YOUR_LICENSE_KEY_HERE", // Replace this with your actual license key
    documentViewConfig: {
        toolbarButtonsConfig: { // Note that there are two upload buttons in DocumentView
            uploadDocument: {
                isHidden: true
            uploadImage: {
                isHidden: true

Configurable Buttons Per Each View


interface LibraryToolbarButtonsConfig {
  newDoc?: ToolbarButtonConfig;
  capture?: ToolbarButtonConfig;
  import?: ToolbarButtonConfig;
  uploads?: ToolbarButtonConfig;

  // Selected Toolbar Options
  delete?: ToolbarButtonConfig;
  print?: ToolbarButtonConfig;
  share?: ToolbarButtonConfig;
  upload?: ToolbarButtonConfig;
  back?: ToolbarButtonConfig;


interface DocumentToolbarButtonsConfig {
  backToLibrary?: ToolbarButtonConfig;
  capture?: ToolbarButtonConfig;
  import?: ToolbarButtonConfig;
  shareDocument?: ToolbarButtonConfig;
  uploadDocument?: ToolbarButtonConfig;
  manage?: ToolbarButtonConfig;

  // Selected Toolbar Options
  copyTo?: ToolbarButtonConfig;
  moveTo?: ToolbarButtonConfig;
  selectAll?: ToolbarButtonConfig;
  deleteImage?: ToolbarButtonConfig;
  shareImage?: ToolbarButtonConfig;
  uploadImage?: ToolbarButtonConfig;
  back?: ToolbarButtonConfig;


interface PageViewToolbarButtonsConfig {
  back?: ToolbarButtonConfig;
  delete?: ToolbarButtonConfig;
  addPage?: ToolbarButtonConfig;
  upload?: ToolbarButtonConfig;
  share?: ToolbarButtonConfig;
  edit?: ToolbarButtonConfig;

  // Edit mode toolbar
  crop?: ToolbarButtonConfig;
  rotate?: ToolbarButtonConfig;
  filter?: ToolbarButtonConfig;
  annotate?: ToolbarButtonConfig;
  done?: ToolbarButtonConfig;


interface HistoryToolbarButtonsConfig {
  back?: ToolbarButtonConfig;


interface TransferToolbarButtonsConfig {
  cancel?: ToolbarButtonConfig;
  action?: ToolbarButtonConfig;

Assisting Interfaces


The ExportConfig interface defines methods for handling document export functionality, such as uploading, downloading, deleting files from a server, and managing the upload success process. This allows full customization of how documents are exported and managed in your application.



Uploads a document to the server. The function receives the document’s file name and its binary data (Blob). It returns a Promise that resolves with void or an UploadedDocument object.

Important: Returning { status: "success" } in this function is required to trigger onUploadSuccess

(fileName: string, blob: Blob) => Promise<void | UploadedDocument>

Downloads a document from the server. The function receives an UploadedDocument object and returns a Promise that resolves once the download is complete.

(doc: UploadedDocument) => Promise<void>

Deletes a document from the server. The function receives an UploadedDocument object and returns a Promise that resolves once the deletion is successful.

(doc: UploadedDocument) => Promise<void>

Called after a successful upload. It receives the file name, file type, the current view (EnumMWCViews), and the binary data (Blob). The function should return a Promise that resolves to true if the MobileWebCapture instance should close after uploading or false if it should remain open.

Important: Returning { status: "success" } in uploadToServer is required to trigger this function.

(fileName: string, fileType: string, view: EnumMWCViews, blob: Blob) => Promise<boolean>

Example Usage

const uploadToServer = async (fileName, blob) => {
    const host = window.location.origin;
    // Create form data
    const formData = new FormData();
    formData.append("uploadFile", blob, fileName);
    // Upload file
    const response = await fetch(
        `${host}/upload`, // Change this to your actul upload URL
        method: "POST",
        body: formData,
    if (response.status === 200) {
        // **IMPORTANT**: Returning { status: "success" } is required to trigger onUploadSuccess.
        return {
            status: "success",
    } else {
        return {
            status: "failed",
const onUploadSuccess = async (fileName) => {
    console.log(`${fileName} uploaded successfully!`);
    return true; // Exit the Mobile Web Capture Instance
const mobileWebCapture = new Dynamsoft.MobileWebCapture({
    license: "YOUR_LICENSE_KEY_HERE", // Replace this with your actual license key
    exportConfig: {
(async () => {
    // Launch the Mobile Web Capture Instance
    const fileName = `New_Document_${}`;
    await mobileWebCapture.launch(fileName);

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