Table of contents


BarcodeReader – Decode barcodes from images

BarcodeScanner – Decode barcodes from videos

Global Interfaces



The BarcodeReader class is used for image decoding.

BarcodeReader Methods

Initialize and Destroy

The following methods are related to initializing and destroying the BarcodeReader object.

Method Description
createInstance Create a BarcodeReader object.
destroy Destroy the BarcodeReader object.
detectEnvironment Detect the current environment.
isLoaded Check if the decoding module is loaded.
loadWasm Manually load and compile the decoding WASM module.


The following methods are related to decoding barcodes.

Method Description
decode Decode barcodes from images, binary data, URLs, and more.
decodeBase64String Decode barcodes from a base64 encoded string.
decodeBuffer Decode barcodes from raw buffer.
decodeUrl Decode barcodes from a URL.

Parameter and Runtime Settings

The following methods are related to customizing mode and runtime settings.

Method Description
getModeArgument Get argument value for the specified mode parameter.
setModeArgument Set argument value for the specified mode parameter.
getRuntimeSettings Get current runtime settings.
resetRuntimeSettings Reset runtime settings to default.
updateRuntimeSettings Modify and update the current runtime settings.

BarcodeReader Properties

Property Description
_bUseFullFeature If set to true, use the fully-featured WASM module.
bDestroyed Indicates whether a BarcodeScanner object has been destroyed.
bSaveOriCanvas If set to true, save the original image to canvas.
oriCanvas The original canvas element.

BarcodeReader Accessors

Accessors Description
engineResourcePath Get or set the engine (WASM) location.
productKeys Get or set the Dynamsoft Barcode Reader SDK product keys.
version Get current version.


The BarcodeScanner class is used for video decoding.

BarcodeScanner Methods

Initialize and Destroy

The following methods are related to initializing and destroying the BarcodeScanner object.

Method Description
createInstance Create a BarcodeScanner object.
destroy Destroy the BarcodeScanner object.
getUIElement Get HTML element containing the BarcodeScanner object.
setUIElement set html element containing the barcodescanner object.

Camera Controls

The following methods are related to controlling the camera and its settings.

Method Description
getAllCameras Get information of all available cameras on the device.
getCurrentCamera Get information about the currently used camera.
setCurrentCamera Set camera by its information or device ID.
hide Stop the camera and hide the camera UI element.
show Show the camera UI element, open the camera, and start decoding.
close Close and release the camera.
isOpen Check if the camera is open.
open Open the camera.
pause Pause the video stream.
play Continue the video stream.
stop Stop the video and release the camera.
pauseScan Pause the video decoding process.
resumeScan Resume the video decoding process.

Capture Settings

The following methods are related to the camera’s capture settings.

Method Description
getCapabilities Get the camera capabilities.
getResolution Get current video resolution.
setResolution Set current video resolution.
getScanSettings Get current scan settings.
updateScanSettings Modify and update scan settings.
getVideoSettings Get current video settings.
updateVideoSettings Modify and update video settings.
setColorTemperature Adjust the video colour temperature.
setExposureCompensation Adjust the video exposure level.
setFrameRate Adjust the video frame rate.
setZoom Adjust the video zoom ratio.
turnOffTorch Turn off the torch/flashlight.
turnOnTorch Turn on the torch/flashlight.

Runtime Settings

The following methods are related to customizing runtime settings.

Method Description
updateRuntimeSettings Modify and update the current runtime settings.

Inherited Methods

The following methods are inherited from the BarcodeReader class.

BarcodeScanner Properties

Property Description
bPlaySoundOnSuccessfulRead If set to true, a sound will be played when a barcode is read successfully.
barcodeFillStyle Set the style used when filling in located barcode.
barcodeLineWidth Set the width of the located barcode border.
barcodeStrokeStyle Set the style of the located barcode border.
regionMaskFillStyle Set the style used when filling the mask beyond the region.
regionMaskLineWidth Set the width of the region border.
regionMaskStrokeStyle Set the style of the region border.
onFrameRead Triggered a frame has been scanned.
onPlayed Triggered when the camera video stream is played.
onUnduplicatedRead Triggered when a new, unduplicated barcode is found.

Inherited Properties

The following properties are inherited from the BarcodeReader class.

BarcodeScanner Accessors

Accessors Description
singleFrameMode If set to true, single video frames will be used instead of a continuous video stream.
soundOnSuccessfulRead Get or set the sound to play when a barcode is read successfully.
defaultUIElementURL Get or set the default scanner UI.

Inherited Accessors

The following accessors are inherited from the BarcodeReader class.

BarcodeScanner Interfaces

Interface Description
FrameFilter Filter and discard video frames while focusing.
ScanSettings Configures the video stream settings.
ScannerPlayCallbackInfo Stores the height and width constraints of the video stream.
VideoDeviceInfo Stores the video device information.

Global Interfaces

Interface Description
BarcodeReaderException Exceptions raised for Barcode Reader errors.
FurtherModes Stores additional modes.
LocalizationResult Stores the localization result of the detected barcode.
Region Stores the barcode region information.
RuntimeSettings Stores the barcode reading runtime settings.
TextResult Stores the decoded barcode text results.


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