Tag: java
Dynamsoft has released a Ready-to-Use Barcode Scanner API for Android developers, enabling them to quickly integrate barcode scanning functionality into their apps. This component is open-source and free to customize. In this tutorial, we will walk you through the barcode scanner API and demonstrate how to integrate it into Android...
VIN stands for vehicle identification number. It is a unique 17-character code to identify individual vehicles. The VIN contains information about your car’s make, model, and year, as well as the country where it was manufactured and other important details. You may find the VIN label on your car’s dashboard,...
Machine Readable Zone (MRZ) recognition is a critical feature in applications that require scanning and processing identity documents, such as passports and visas. On Android devices, implementing accurate MRZ recognition can significantly enhance the efficiency and user experience of such apps. In this article, we will explore how to use...
Sometimes, we may need to merge multiple images into a single PDF file. For example, we scan the front side and the back side of an ID card and want to store them in a single PDF file. In this article, we are going to talk about how to build...
In the previous article, we built a JavaFX demo app to scan documents using Dynamsoft Service’s REST API. The demo app can scan documents via protocols like TWAIN, WIA, SANE, and ICA and save the documents into a PDF file using PDFBox. In this article, we are going to extend...
Dynamic Web TWAIN is an SDK which enables document scanning from browsers. Under its hood, a backend service named Dynamsoft Service is running to communicate with scanners via protocols like TWAIN, WIA, eSCL, SANE and ICA. The service runs on Windows, macOS and Linux. Starting from Dynamic Web TWAIN v18.4,...
The term “augmented reality (AR)” generally refers to the integration of digital information with the user’s environment in real time. AR can make user interfaces more immersive and intuitive, overlaying real-time information onto the real world to make tasks more efficient and less error-prone. For example, in warehouse management, AR...
Java is one of the most popular programming languages in use, especially for client–server web applications. In this article, we are going to talk about how to set up a simple barcode reading server in Java with Jetty as the web server and servlet container. This article is Part 2...
This article aims to help Java developers build desktop and server-side Java applications to detect machine-readable zones (MRZ) in passports, travel documents, and ID cards. You will see how to encapsulate Dynamsoft C++ OCR SDK into a Java Jar package and how to quickly create a command-line MRZ detector with...
Dynamsoft Document Normalizer SDK helps developers to quickly build document scanning applications. It provides a set of APIs to detect document edges and normalize document images. Currently, the SDK only supports C/C++, Android, iOS, Xamarin.Forms and JavaScript. Although there is no Java edition available for download yet, we can make...
In a previous article, we explored how to create a command-line barcode and QR code scanning application using Java and the Dynamsoft Barcode Reader. This article will delve into building more sophisticated applications, such as a desktop GUI application and a web application. Additionally, we will integrate the ZXing SDK...
There are many open-source and commercial barcode SDKs, but only a few can recognize multiple barcodes and QR codes simultaneously. When you search for “barcode SDK” or “Java barcode SDK” on Google, the Dynamsoft Barcode Reader SDK consistently appears in the top 5 search results. This article guides you through...
Nowadays, web technologies have been used to create cross-platform apps. There are Capacitor for mobile development and Electron for desktop development. We can also use web technologies in existing apps. For example, the popular Java IDE, IntelliJ IDEA, uses JCEF (Java Chromium Embedded Framework) to create plugins. In this article,...
In my previous article, I demonstrated how to create a simple Android QR code scanner. Building on that foundation, I’m taking things a step further by integrating the YOLOv4 Tiny model that I trained specifically for QR code detection into the Android project. But how effective is YOLO Tiny for...
A QR code scanner application is fundamentally composed of two key components: the camera preview and the QR code scanning functionality. While there are numerous QR code scanner apps available for download on the Google Play Store, building your own can be a more rewarding and educational experience. This article...
The market offers numerous QR code tools and SDKs, but not all are created equal. For Android development, Google ML Kit is a popular and free option, providing reliable support for general QR code detection. However, it falls short when it comes to high-density QR code detection. On the other...
About two years ago, I wrote an article sharing how to build a Flutter barcode plugin with Dynamsoft Barcode Reader step by step. At that time, Flutter was still under development and only supported Android and iOS. Nowadays, Google has released Flutter 2, which allows developers to build apps for...
This article will guide you through the creation of a JavaFX GUI barcode reading application (as shown below) using Dynamsoft Barcode Reader SDK (DBR) and vlcj. JavaFX is an open-source, next-generation client application platform for desktop, mobile, and embedded systems built on Java.1 vlcj is a Java framework to allow...
Dynamsoft offers Java Barcode SDKs for both mobile and desktop development. The mobile edition is available as an Android AAR package, while the desktop edition is provided as a JAR package. This article is designed to assist developers in building desktop or server-side barcode scanner applications using Java or Kotlin....
A DotCode is a 2D barcode symbology composed of disconnected dots, commonly used in the tobacco industry. Recently, Dynamsoft introduced a barcode reader SDK with DotCode support. In this post, I will demonstrate how to build a Java DotCode reader, featuring both a command-line application and a GUI application. This...
Previously, I shared an article on how to use the Camera2 APIs and Dynamsoft Barcode Reader to build an Android barcode scanner app capable of detecting fast-moving barcodes. In that project, the barcode decoding was implemented in Java, which left some room for performance improvements. By accessing the native buffer...
Imagine you’re using barcode technology to scan parcels on a fast-moving logistics conveyor belt. A common challenge is recognizing barcodes from blurred images caused by motion. While advanced algorithms can mitigate this issue, enhancing image quality is a more effective first step. One straightforward solution is to adjust the camera’s...
Developing Android camera apps can be more complex compared to iOS due to varying hardware specifications and vendor implementations. Since API level 21, the older Camera API has been deprecated in favor of the more powerful and flexible Camera2 API. In this post, we’ll explore how to create Android camera...
This article is not about creating Java native methods to invoke C/C++ APIs. Instead, it aims to help developers build a JAR package containing a JNI shared library, made with Dynamsoft Barcode Reader, for Windows, Linux, and macOS from scratch. In this article, I will demonstrate how to create JNI...
NV21 is the default image format used by Android camera. Assume you want to save the data and view it as a BMP file on PC, how to write code in Java without Android image APIs? Let’s do it from scratch. What is NV21 NV21 is a kind of YUV...
ZK is a Java Web framework that similar to GWT. Some developers have no idea how they can integrate DWT (Dynamic Web TWAIN) into a ZK Web project. I have successfully made it. The process is not too hard, but a little bit tricky. First ZK Web Project with Eclipse...
MongoDB is known as a NoSQL database, which uses a JSON-like document structure by key-value pairs. Comparing to the relational database like MySQL, MongoDB is easier and more scalable. Especially when processing big and complex data, MongoDB can perform faster and better. In this tutorial, let’s take a glimpse of...
Tesseract is a well-known open source OCR engine that released under the Apache License 2.0. In this tutorial, I’d like to share how to build the OCR library for Android, as well as how to implement a simple Android OCR application with it. Ads Powered by Dynamsoft Tesseract Android Tools...
Some Java developers asked a question about how to use Dynamic Web TWAIN (DWT) to upload image files when building a Web application with Struts. In this tutorial, I’d like to make a detailed explanation. How to Upload Files with Struts Using NetBeans IDE, we can quickly create a Struts...
If you have a TWAIN-compliant scanner, you can easily control it with Dynamic Web TWAIN or Dynamic .NET TWAIN. Both SDKs can help you create some excellent applications for document scanning and management on PCs. However, have you ever complained that it’s so inconvenient to stay with your scanners and...
Java Native Interface (JNI) is the glue between Java and native code such as C, C++, and assembly. With JNI, Java applications are capable of supporting platform-specific features. JNI enables developers to call low-level APIs (e.g. SQL, OpenGL etc.) to make Java application more powerful with higher performance. For example, we can...
When you are going to purchase a new smartphone like iPhone 6 or Galaxy S5, don’t just throw your old devices away. Via socket connection, we can build a remote monitoring system with obsolete mobile devices instead of purchasing expensive Webcams or wireless cameras. In this article, I’d like to...
In the previous articles, I shared how to implement a .Net WebSocket server with SuperWebSocket. Today, I’d like to continue the series WebSocket: How-to, talking about how to implement a WebSocket server in Java. What is Jetty? “Jetty provides a Web server andjavax.servlet container, plus support forSPDY, WebSocket, OSGi, JMX, JNDI,...