Category: Document Scanner
Nuxt is a free and open-source framework with an intuitive and extendable way to create type-safe, performant and production-grade full-stack web applications and websites with Vue.js. In this article, we are going to build a document scanner using Nuxt.js and Dynamic Web TWAIN. It can scan documents via scanners using...
Previously, we created a cross-platform SwiftUI project, a 1D/2D barcode scanner app, for macOS and iOS using the Dynamsoft Capture Vision SDK. In this tutorial, we will continue to explore the functionalities of the Capture Vision SDK by building a document scanner app for macOS and iOS using SwiftUI. Utilizing...
.NET MAUI simplifies cross-platform app development by enabling a single codebase for multiple platforms. The Dynamsoft Capture Vision MAUI Bundle offers powerful APIs for document scanning, barcode reading, and MRZ recognition. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to create a .NET MAUI document scanner that can capture, normalize, and share...
A Node.js C++ addon is a module written in C++ that can be loaded into Node.js, used to extend Node.js capabilities by allowing developers to implement functionality in C++. This article will guide you through building a Node.js C++ addon for document edge detection and rectification. The addon relies on...
A document scanner app is a software application that leverages your device’s camera to capture images of physical documents and transform them into digital formats. Typically, these apps can scan documents, photos, receipts, business cards, and more. Document scanner apps are useful in a variety of industries and scenarios, including...
In today’s fast-paced, digital-first world, the demand for paperless solutions and efficient document management is on the rise. By leveraging the device’s camera, we can convert hard-copy documents into digital formats in mere seconds. Computer vision technology can transform our smartphones and computers into versatile scanning tools, enabling us to...
Document capture functionality is an essential aspect of any document management system, allowing users to capture digital images of physical documents through a variety of means, including scanners and mobile cameras. Dynamic Web TWAIN helps users easily integrate document capture functionality into their web-based document management system, enabling them to...
Previously, I created a flutter_web_twain to assist developers in building web-based document scanning applications with Flutter and Dynamic Web TWAIN. In this article, I will demonstrate how to integrate Dynamic Web TWAIN into a Flutter Windows desktop application using Flutter Windows webview plugin. Section 1: Setting Up the Flutter Project...
Previously, we created a Flutter document rectification plugin for web, Windows, and Linux. In this article, we will add support for Android and iOS. As a result, you will be able to create a document rectification app that corrects the perspective of an image of a document on all platforms....
Last week, we finished a Flutter document scanning plugin for web, which is just a start. This week, we continue to empower the plugin for desktop development using Dynamsoft Document Normalizer C++ SDK. The plugin will support Windows and Linux. In this article, you will see the steps to build...
Dynamsoft Document Normalizer SDK provides a set of APIs to detect the edges of a document and normalize the document based on the found quadrilaterals. The JavaScript edition of the SDK has been published on npm. In this article, we will firstly show you how to use the JavaScript APIs...
Dynamsoft Document Normalizer SDK helps developers to quickly build document scanning applications. It provides a set of APIs to detect document edges and normalize document images. Currently, the SDK only supports C/C++, Android, iOS, Xamarin.Forms and JavaScript. Although there is no Java edition available for download yet, we can make...