Table of contents

User Guide for Document Scanner with C++

In this guide, you will learn step by step on how to build a document scanner solution with Dynamsoft Capture Vision SDK using c++.

Table of Contents

System Requirements

To find out whether your environment is supported, please read the System Requirements.


If you haven’t downloaded the SDK yet, download the C/C++ Package now and unpack the package into a directory of your choice.

For this tutorial, we unpack it to a pseudo directory [INSTALLATION FOLDER], change it to your unpacking path for the following content.

Build Your Own Application

In this section, we’ll walk through the key steps needed to build an application that capture a document from an image file.

You can download the complete source code from here.

Create A New Project

For Windows

  1. Open Visual Studio. Go to File > New > Project, select Empty App and enter DocumentScanner in the name text box.

  2. Add a new source file named DocumentScanner.cpp into the project.

For Linux

  1. Create a new source file named DocumentScanner.cpp and place it into the folder [INSTALLATION FOLDER]\Samples\DocumentScanner.

  2. Create a file named Makefile and put it in the same directory as the file DocumentScanner.cpp. The content of Makefile is as follows:

     CCFLAGS=-c -std=c++11
     DS_LIB_PATH=[INSTALLATION FOLDER]/Distributables/Lib/Linux/x64
     LDFLAGS=-L $(DS_LIB_PATH) -Wl,-rpath=$(DS_LIB_PATH) -Wl,-rpath=./
     DS_LIB=-lDynamsoftCaptureVisionRouter -lDynamsoftCore -lDynamsoftLicense -lDynamsoftUtility
     DS_JSON_PATH=[INSTALLATION FOLDER]/Distributables/Templates
     # build rule for target.
     $(TARGET): $(OBJECT)
         $(CC) -o $(TARGET) $(OBJECT) $(STDLIB) $(DS_LIB) $(LDFLAGS)
         cp -r $(DS_JSON_PATH) $(DS_LIB_PATH)
     # target to build an object file
     $(OBJECT): $(SOURCE)
         $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(SOURCE)
     # the clean target
     .PHONY : clean
         rm -f $(OBJECT) $(TARGET) -r $(DS_LIB_PATH)/Templates

    Note: The variable DS_LIB_PATH should be set to the correct directory where the library files are located.

Include the Library

  1. Add headers and libs in DocumentScanner.cpp.

     #include <iostream>
     #include <string>
     #include "[INSTALLATION FOLDER]/Include/DynamsoftCaptureVisionRouter.h"
     #include "[INSTALLATION FOLDER]/Include/DynamsoftUtility.h"
     using namespace std;
     using namespace dynamsoft::cvr;
     using namespace dynamsoft::ddn;
     using namespace dynamsoft::license;
     using namespace dynamsoft::utility;
     // The following code only applies to Windows.
     #if defined(_WIN64) || defined(_WIN32)
         #ifdef _WIN64
             #pragma comment(lib, "[INSTALLATION FOLDER]/Distributables/Lib/Windows/x64/DynamsoftCaptureVisionRouterx64.lib")
             #pragma comment(lib, "[INSTALLATION FOLDER]/Distributables/Lib/Windows/x64/DynamsoftCorex64.lib")
             #pragma comment(lib, "[INSTALLATION FOLDER]/Distributables/Lib/Windows/x64/DynamsoftLicensex64.lib")
             #pragma comment(lib, "[INSTALLATION FOLDER]/Distributables/Lib/Windows/x64/DynamsoftUtilityx64.lib")
             #pragma comment(lib, "[INSTALLATION FOLDER]/Distributables/Lib/Windows/x86/DynamsoftCaptureVisionRouterx86.lib")
             #pragma comment(lib, "[INSTALLATION FOLDER]/Distributables/Lib/Windows/x86/DynamsoftCorex86.lib")
             #pragma comment(lib, "[INSTALLATION FOLDER]/Distributables/Lib/Windows/x86/DynamsoftLicensex86.lib")
             #pragma comment(lib, "[INSTALLATION FOLDER]/Distributables/Lib/Windows/x86/DynamsoftUtilityx86.lib")

Initialize a Capture Vision Router Instance

  1. Initialize the license key

     int errorcode = 0;
     char error[512];
     errorcode = CLicenseManager::InitLicense("DLS2eyJvcmdhbml6YXRpb25JRCI6IjIwMDAwMSJ9", error, 512);
     if (errorcode != ErrorCode::EC_OK && errorcode != ErrorCode::EC_LICENSE_CACHE_USED)
         cout << "License initialization failed: ErrorCode: " << errorcode << ", ErrorString: " << error << endl;
         // codes from following steps...

    Note: The string “DLS2eyJvcmdhbml6YXRpb25JRCI6IjIwMDAwMSJ9” here is a free public trial license. Note that network connection is required for this license to work. When it expires, you can request a 30-day free trial license from the Customer Portal.

  2. Create an instance of Dynamsoft Capture Vision Router

     CCaptureVisionRouter* router = new CCaptureVisionRouter();

Detect and Save the Normalized Document

  1. Apply detection and normalization for an image file.

     string imageFile = "[PATH-TO-THE-IMAGE-FILE]";
     CCapturedResult* result = router->Capture(imageFile.c_str(), CPresetTemplate::PT_DETECT_AND_NORMALIZE_DOCUMENT);

    Please change the [PATH-TO-THE-IMAGE-FILE] to a real image file path.

  2. Save the normalized result as an image file

     cout << "File: " << imageFile << endl;
     if (result->GetErrorCode() != 0) {
         cout << "Error: " << result->GetErrorCode() << "," << result->GetErrorString() << endl;
     CNormalizedImagesResult *normalizedResult = result->GetNormalizedImagesResult();
     if (normalizedResult == nullptr || normalizedResult->GetItemsCount() == 0)
         cout << "No document found." << endl;
         int count = normalizedResult->GetItemsCount();
         cout << "Normalized " << count << " documents" << endl;
         for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
             const CNormalizedImageResultItem *normalizedImage = normalizedResult->GetItem(i);
             string outPath = "normalizedResult_";
             outPath += to_string(i) + ".png";
             CImageManager manager;
             errorcode = manager.SaveToFile(normalizedImage->GetImageData(), outPath.c_str());
             if (errorcode == 0)
                 cout << "Document " << i << " saved to file: " << outPath << endl;

Release the Allocated Memory

if (normalizedResult)
if (result)
delete router, router = NULL;   

Build and Run the Project

On Windows

  1. Build the application through Visual Studio.

  2. Copy the following items from [INSTALLATION FOLDER]\Distributables to the same folder as the EXE file.

    • All the DLL files from .\Lib\Windows\[PLATFORMS]
    • Folder Templates
  3. Run the program DocumentScanner.exe.

On Linux

  1. Open a terminal and change to the target directory where Makefile located in. Build the sample:

  2. Run the program DocumentScanner.



Please change all [INSTALLATION FOLDER] in above code snippet to your unpacking path.

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