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Enumeration EnumDeblurMode specifies the image processing algorithms applied to the localized zones containing barcodes, aimed at generating a binary image for extracting barcode data during the final phase of the barcode decoding process.


Namespace: Dynamsoft.BarcodeReader.Maui

Assembly: Dynamsoft.BarcodeReader.Maui

namespace Dynamsoft.BarcodeReader.Maui
    public enum EnumDeblurMode : long
        /** Skips the process, no deblurring is applied. */
        DM_SKIP = 0,
        /** Applies a direct binarization algorithm for generating the binary image. */
        /** Utilizes a threshold binarization algorithm for generating the binary image, dynamically determining the threshold based on the image content. */
        /** Employs a gray equalization algorithm to adjust the contrast and brightness, improving the clarity of the gray-scale image before binarization. */
        /** Implements a smoothing algorithm to reduce noise and artifacts, smoothing out the gray-scale image before binarization. */
        DM_SMOOTHING = 8,
        /** Uses a morphing algorithm to enhance the gray-scale image before binarization. */
        DM_MORPHING = 16,
        /** Engages in a deep analysis of the grayscale image based on the barcode format to intelligently generate the optimized binary image, tailored to complex or severely blurred images. */
        DM_DEEP_ANALYSIS = 32,
        /** Applies a sharpening algorithm to enhance the edges and details of the barcode, making it more distinguishable on the gray-scale image before binarization. */
        DM_SHARPENING = 64,
        /** Decodes the barcodes based on the binary image obtained during the localization process. */
        DM_BASED_ON_LOC_BIN = 128,
        /** Combines sharpening and smoothing algorithms for a comprehensive deblurring effect, targeting both clarity and smoothness of the gray-scale image before binarization. */

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